Friday, April 24, 2009

Just Dance

So, both the kids are sick. The only thing Camy can hold down is Sprite. Can't even hold down the anti-nausea medication. How fun! So Jayde is sleeping with me tonight, Camy with the gma. Jayde was able to hold down half a cracker and the medication and I'm very bad at handling puke, so it made sense to do it that way.

I'm broke out pretty bad. Ugh! I went through this in high school. Why am I going through it again? I think I asked that in yday's entry too, but it's seriously irritating me.

Didn't make it to the park, obviously. Kids started with the puking as soon as Camy got home from school. Well, Camy did. Jayde started a little later.

Made meatball soup tonight. Can't wait to eat it! I saved it for tomorrow night. I'm really excited because I came up with it on my own and people actually seemed to like it. I sent some across the street I was so proud. Beginning to think I got into the wrong field. Lol. Although I burn myself on an almost constant basis. I have two burn scars on my right hand alone. Both were received making cheese pizza. Two different stoves though. I'm freaking talented like that. If I suck too bad at sewing, then I'll look into it again. Haha. I'm really beginning to get into it though. I used to never make anything without a recipe. Now I'm starting to free style it a lot more. So impressed with myselfroght now. So impressed. I love me. -pats self on back and then toots own horn- i wonder if anybody needs a chef's assistant or something. Hrmmmmmm...

Computer is supposed to be here tomorrow. We'll see. When all is said and done we will have two working computers here. Woot!

Well, that's all from me.

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