Wednesday, April 22, 2009

How Soon Is Now?

I kinda think I wanna be a wedding planner. I don't think I would be able to keep from slapping a bridezilla and yelling at her to chill the fuck out though. I know that if I ever get married again I will be as picky as I can. And that means everything. Groom included.

I was telling Mamaw today that I wanted to marry a cardiologist this time. I have a theory.

Went back to the uo today. Had to register and enter my resume. Stupid computer. Wish I had a computer geek who would fix it.

I have the worst luck with computers. I can kill a hard drive just by looking at it. And it's not like I save a lot of junk on them. They just randomly die! I'm a jinx.

So surprised Jessie's laptop didn't collapse into a smoldering pile the instant I touched it. I was super careful. I know my luck.I was not about to pass it on. So glad he didn't know that before. He would have banned me from the house altogether.

Took the kids to the park. That was quite the adventure. Got there had them take off the shoes and socks because it's one of those that has sand. We get to playing and Camy says she has to potty.Not a problem.

Well the grass has just been cut so it's "sharp". See where this is going?

She gets out there alright but there's no switch and its dark. She panics. So I tell her to just leave the door open but when she goes back she puts her socks back on. She gets halfway there and comes back again. She stepped on something. So she puts her shoes on and then finally she makes it. Now Jayde HAS to go.

So I go and take her.We get there and there are ants in there. Jayde panics. I pull her pants down and then put her on the potty. She goes. I grab her off of the potty and her shorts drop to the ground. We get her panties up. I pick up her shorts dust them off and put them on. She then wants me to carry her the whole way back.

I tell her to walk until she falls out. So she stops about three steps later and procedes to "fall" onto the ground. So I walk three more feet and tell her that if she makes it to me I will carry her. Well she does. So I carry her almost all the way but she starts to just hang on me instead of holding on. So I set her down, and she runs off.

The rest of the time went off without a hitch.I DO think that I got sand in my hair somehow.

So, anyway, that's about it for me.

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