Thursday, December 31, 2009
Broken Toilets: A Stream of Consciousness Event
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
She Shoots, She Scores
So, the book is coming along better than hoped. I don't have quite as many wods written as I had hoped, but the ideas for scenes keep coming. I think I just wrote my ending scene last night, though. I'm going to have to write a lot of hickey scenes soon, so, the research really needs to begin. I also need to figure out what city to set it in. I know I has to be up North because we don't have hockey teams down here, and it should be a city that has a ice skating rink/ hockey arena and at least three hospitals, so, it needs to be a big city. I could make something up, I guess. If you have city name ideas, let me know. Oh! And I need to name the team and a rival team. I'll let you know when I figure out these details.
I went to visit the NaNoWriMo website last night and I realized that I don't have Internet on my computer yet. Oops! I've been having a lot of those blond moments here lately. I MUST be falling in love. They happen more frequently if I'm falling. Although, I'm pretty sure I already fell, but whatever. I just wish I knew what he's thinking. He's kinda hard to read lately. Must be the whole mourning thing. I've never really experienced it from this angle before. It's a whole new ballgame when it's a boyfriend.
Kyle never lost anyone while we were together, not really. Angel (his dog) didn't die until after we were separated, I think. And besides, a brother and and a dog are NOT the same. No matter how much you humanize it. A dog is a dog. And yes, that is gonnna sound mean. And yes, I get the whole "part of the family" bit, but you just can't get that close to a dog. A dog can't tell you stories. You can't take a dog out to a movie. You see where I'm going here. A pet is a pet, and that is all. Yes, you can love them, but they just don't love you back as a brother or sister would. -jumps off soapbox- Sorry. Got caught up.
I just want it to be Friday. That is when the munchkins return. I just wish I could remember if I'm supposed to get then or if he's dropping them off. I should probably ask. I swear, though, if he acts like I'm an idiot for asking I'm not going to be too pleasant. I have a lot on my mind, and while I love my kids, knowing who is picking up/dropping off is not a priority. That's just the way it is. End of story.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
The Incredible Edible Egg
I'm kinda bored.
Josh was texting me when he went to see Sherlock Holmes today. It was awesome. Of course it was just before he went. And then he helped me with some grammar and spelling issues I was having while writing. Turns out he got the card today. That makes me very happy. I thought it was taking an awful long time to get there. I thought maybe it wasn't going to before 2009 ended. Lol. Sheesh!
I had a weird sex dream that had me questioning things. But enough about that because nobody really cares. Besides, Tiana basically banned me from exploring the option or bringing it up any further. Yeah. That isn't going to make sense, but this is for me. It'll remind me to just say no. Shut-up.
I decided Sunday to spend the cards for the girls and then wrap the gifts and write who they were from on them. So, I got Camy a replica of Sam's remote from iCarly and some Hello Kitty dolls and I got Jayde a 24" girraffe and a coffee maker playset. Then they each got a recyclable tote bag. Anyway, I wrapped all that yesterday. It was interesting. I'm very badly out of practice when it comes to wrapping.
What else? Blogging everyday is hard and leaves me with nothing to say. Har.
I didn't bring up the NYE thing to Josh. I don't know how. I also don't know how to tell him I miss his voice, so any help would be awesome.
I think I'm done for today.
Monday, December 28, 2009
And the Work Begins
Hit Somebody- Characters:
1. Ashley Amut- Hockey player- Wil Wheaton (boy)
2. Kendell "Kenny" Amut- Hockey player's wife- (girl)
3. Taylor Kalau- Hockey player's bff-(boy)
4. Finley "Finn" Bies- Hockey player's bff's girlfriend-(girl)
5. Dayle Lister- Hockey player's wife's bff-(girl)
6. Gustav Humke Hockey player's teammate #1-(boy-gay)
7. Blair Johnson- Hockey player's teammate #2-(boy)
8. Courtney Baker- Hockey player's arch enemy-(boy)
9. Brennan Weber- Hockey player's arch enemy's girlfriend-(girl)
10. Lesley Ayers- Hockey player's arch enemy's bff-(boy)
Actually, I should probably listen to the song. Har. And now, I'm thinking I'm gonna write a book instead. I don't know nothing about writing a script. Lol.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
You Wanna Learn Spanish? Take the Bus!
I'm feeling better today. Josh seems better, too.
Went to the post office today, and the machine that lets you buy stamps with coins/cash is gone. I just wanted to mail a card and my resume'. Eighty- eight cents! No need to use a debit card. Fwah! Thank goddess there was someone there who could help. I gave him the money and he put the stamps on the envelopes. So nice! But seriously, who does away with the stamp machine? Argh!
I was feeling/looking so pretty today. I love days like that! I got some new shampoo and conditioner and it makes my hair feel/look ah-maazing.
What else? I didn't start writing my script, yet. I'll probably have a character list to share tomorrow, though. I want to begin work on it as soon as possible.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Sadness And Confusion And Weirdness. Oh My!
I really wish I could have spent today with him. And I really wish I could spend next weekend wih him. -sigh- This relationship keeps getting more and more complicated. Maybe he will call me around midnight on NYE and we can "spend" midnight together. Of course, that's assuming he's off of work. I hate his schedule. The end.
I'm going to pick up my second to last check tomorrow. Hopefully, I won't have to give the whole thing to my mom. She paid for the last of santa's gifts. I still have to get hair dye, an lbd, and my gifts to the girls. I'm going to get them each a stuffed toy, panda for Cam and giraffe for Jayde. Or maybe Camy would like an elephant instead. Idunno. I think I'll ask. Lol.
The girls each got $30 Toys 'R' Us cards from the Eskews. That was extremely nice of them, since they aren't doing all that much better than we are. I haven't decided if I'm just gonna pick up their gifts or let them. Either way, it's gonna take forever. Har. I also have like $13 from last christmas for Camy. I'm thinking I'll do that and get something for the dollhouse. Yep. Yep.
I've decided that I'm gonna write a script and send it to Kevin Smith. Yep. Lol. He hasn't written his new movie, yet. I know shit about hockey, but I can research. Haha. Someone should probably let Mr. Smith know that a crazy girl from Lousiana will be penning HIT SOMEBODY for him.
Yes, I am in a weird ass mood. So, there.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Boy Crazy
Monday, December 07, 2009
Vulnerability and Boys
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Beep! Beep! Beep!
Happy Birthday to me! That is all
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Everything Is NOT What It Seems
Monday, November 23, 2009
Well, Isn't THIS Interesting?
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
525,600 Minutes
Josh: Whatcha doing?
Me: Enjoying a pain free minute.
Josh: Good good
Me: nvm. That just ended
Josh: Poopy
Me: -whimpers- make it stop!
Aleve hasn't kicked in yet.
Josh: Wish I could :/
Me: I can't even sleep
I am not amused
Josh: I'm sorry suze
Me: Who would have thought that the console from a 2008 dodge avenger could be so dangerous?
Josh: Be careful
Me: Yeah ish too late for that advice
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Dancing in the Moonlight
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
We're Just a Couple of Misfits
Thursday, November 05, 2009
The Man in the Moon
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Joshy Woshy Has No Hair
Woke up this morning thinking it was Monday. Was shocked to find out that, no, it is Tuesday. Oops!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
I Like To Talk To Myself
This divorce is not your fault. The problem is him, not you. HE has control issues. HE couldn't handle who you were becoming. HE has issues. You did NOT make this relationship crumble. But now you know better, and you HAVE to rise above him. Keep ya head up!
Yours Completely,
Monday, October 26, 2009
Breathing Is a Good Thing
Thursday, October 22, 2009
It's a Love/Hate Relationship
Monday, October 19, 2009
Joshy Woshy Was a Bear
Anyway, so, I don't really want to say anything because I'm superstitious, but there is a new guy again. His name is Josh, he's 31, and he's 6'2". He doesnt smoke or drink. He isn't into drugs or anything. He's gainfully employed, has his own ride, and has his own apartment. He's completely sweet and pretty adorable, if I do say so myself. But there is a problem! He lives approximately 2420.7 miles away. I never fall for anybody who's available, EVER. I'm about to give up! Lol.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Stretchy Pants Not Included
The other day, I had a feeling something good was gonna happen. Instead of just feeling it and letting it happen, I said something. Big mistake! Somebody hit my car, really smashung the side and then took of like nothing happened. And the worst part? Nobody but the driver saw it happen or at least thy all acted like they saw nothing. My g-ma actually was using the car when it happened. There are pictures on my Facebook. I haven't been so pissed as I was when I saw it. My perfectly blue car now has yellow and orange ugly ass paint on it. See if I share my good feelings again! It just proves that I am right to hate people. Even if they didn't write down their insurance information (which I doubt they had), a little note to say sorry would have been nice. Of course, that's probably expecting too much. -eyeroll- And people ask me why I'm sarcastic and cynical. Because when I'm not THIS happens. -growls-
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Temporary Fixes
Speaking of which, nose = itchy again. But I don't know when it'll happen because our schedules are so opposite. But I bet we both leave at the same time tomorrow morning. Hope he doesn't think I'm stalking him if he's ahead of me. Talk about embarrassing! Lost? Ignore this paragraph.
Sunday, October 04, 2009
And I Feel Like I Just Got Home
My nose itches pretty badly again. I don't know what's going on with that, but it is driving me bizonkers!
And my face be breaking out pretty badly again also. These next 23 days need to hurry the hell up because I'm not sure how much of this stupidity my body can handle. My brain is boind to blow a gasket by then. -sigh-
Friday, October 02, 2009
How I Wish For December 1963
A bit o f the backstory: Monday I got served, that night I took myself and the girls to myself to my mom's to stay. This meant that by the time the phonecall came, he hadn't seen them in a couple of days. Why did I take them away? I found out, for sure, that he had bugged the house, which is illegal even if it's his house. I don't want nor do I need to be recorded. I was done.
Anyway, this particular phonecall was to inform me that we were going to meet with a judge in an ex parte custody hearing. That's right, folks. He tried to pull a fast one. He stated in his petition that I had taken the kids and moved into my mom's house, putting them in danger. Also, he said that I was emotionally and mentally unstable, that I was abusing the kids mentally as well as physically, that I need medication for my bipolar disorder, that I have attempted suicide, that I have confided in him that I wanted to hurt myself and others, and the list goes on. Basically, he was trying to say that I'm as dangerous as a cracked out mother. Yeah. Usually, an ex parte is used when the mother is a crackhead or an alcoholic. Not when she's a stressed out mess.
So, at about three, I get on the stand and testify for about 45 before the judge looks at his lawyer (mine went first) and says that she can't see why there is an emergency and calls the lawyers out of the courtroom. They all discuss it for a bit and come back with the situation we're in, which will last exactly 25 more days.
So, now, I guess I am in my very own "Jon and Kate situation" and my KIDS have exclusive rights to the house. Rifuckingdiculous!
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Oh What a Night!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Randomosity Can Kill You
Saturday, September 26, 2009
It's the Climb
Fortunately enough, I ran into Pastor Schmeiding's wife today at the library (who happens to be an old volleyball coach of mine), and she's gonna talk to him,and, of course, get a whole new church praying for the situation too. So, maybe, if a thousand more voices are praying for me, the answer will be revealed. We will see.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
The Luck of the Irish
Thursday, June 04, 2009
100 Blogs Later
But where does the name Random Kills come from? Well, one day when I was blogging I thought to myself, "Gosh, my life is random." And here, for your pleasure, is an except from that very blog:
" I've about had it with random. Something effin' better be wrong with me or I'm never seeing another doctor again. I can just outright die. I don't care. Because they WON'T be able to find a cause. RANDOM IS GOING TO KILL ME!"- May I Have Your Attention Please!, February 10, 2009
But Susan, what are your favorite memories from this blog? Good question. And I intend to answer that for you now.
My 100 Favorite Memories:
1. "The court date is set for January 6th AKA Epiphany for those of you playing along. I got served on the 10th of the month, giving me 15 days to answer. 15 days from the 10th? Anyone? Anyone? CHRISTMAS! Yes. Christmas. And Epiphany is how many days from Christmas? TWELVE! Epiphany's sometimes called Twelfth Night. It's when the wise men blew into Jesus' life...finally. So...what is it with this guy and the holidays?"
Why this made the list: It makes me laugh. Why? Because 1. it has a Ferris Bueller reference that almost nobody will catch and 2. how non-chalantly I talk about the wise men.
2. "Let me see...I found out the name of the hottie across the street. Philip. He's a freaking engineer! I loves me some engineers! I just like saying "engineer". Say it. It's fun!"
Why this made the list: ENGINEER! Nuff said.
3. "Mai fun is my new fave. I really prefer the Singapore, but I don't eat meat any more so I got the veggie kind. It was kinda lacking in veggies though. And the steamed veggies came with tofu. WTF, dude? I did NOT order tofu!"
Why this made the list: I think this is the first time I use "WTF?" in a blog.
4. "Still didn't get my ribbon up. Lost the bow. Har. I'm amazing. I know. My ability to lose things is like no other I have ever known. I set things down and lose them in seconds. I amaze millions (well, maybe not that many) with my abilities to INSTANTLY lose stuff. I should go into showbiz. Really."
Why this made the list: It just did. OK?
5. "Jackie + Hyde is so much better than Jackie + Kelso."
Why this made the list: "Obsessive much? They're characters on a T.V. show"- my exact thought after writing this
6. "Velveeta is a superior cheese tyvm."
Why this made the list: Because it's true. The end.
7. "Yeah. I'm pretty random lately. I know you had to notice. Not that I've blogged enough for you to notice. But I expect you to notice anyway. Ha."
Why this made the list: It mentions that at least I am noticing how random I am.
8. "Our neighbor caught the shrimp in June. Six months is still fresh, right?"
Why this made the list: I still have no idea
9. "I had started the tradition of waiting until Twelfth night and saying it was the Three Wisemen, but because I don't homeschool, I really can't expect them to not know about Santa. So, I was defeated by the power of conforming."
Why this made the list: CONFORM OR ELSE!
10. "Anyway, the kids had a mish mash inside picnic for lunch. I gave them Velveeta chunks, raisins, chicken nuggets, french fries, cheese taquitos, Capri Sun, RitzBits peanut butter sandwiches, apple dippers, caramel sauce, and graham crackers. I think that was it. We had a small amount of everything so it isn't like they got a whole lot. Like the french fries, for instance. They had like 20 between the three of them. They each had one taquito. Small portions, so it sounds like a lot."
Why this made the list: Because I am creative, and you aren't!
11. "But they did include a certain of age Jonas Brother....Shut-up, he's adorable!"
Why this made the list: He's still adorable. I don't care.
12. This entire entry: The Holidays Are Almost Over
Why this made the list: It includes its own list. Go read it. It's awesome.
13. "Went through like a bajillion boxes of clothes today. Found an entire winter wardrobe for Jayde. SCORE! Don't have to go shopping for her now. Any way I can save money is a plus. Also, my grandma found my AT&T rebate card. I have $33 left on it. SCORE AGAIN! Now, I just have to get up off of my butt and mail Christmas cards. Haha. And a box for Jess. And some clothes to Brandie. And some clothes to Meagan. And. And. There goes my whole $33. Which reminds me, I need to finish and send off CK's notebook. FUCK! I need more time in a day! Or I just need to not procrastinate as much. Yes. That sounds right. "
Why this made the list: It's amazing how easy it is to please me.
14. "We're having chilli for dinner tonight. Chilli is love. We've got cheese and corn chips and oyster crackers to go with it. YAY!"
Why this made the list: See? Easy to please.
15. "Of this I am sure."
Why this made the list: Boy Meets World reference I am sure nobody will get.
16. This whole entry: Inspiration Time
Why this made the list: Because it rocks! It includes questions and answers. And it was one of the "funnest" things I have done this year.
17. "It's almost like DisneyWorld. They have a huge display with taxadermied animals. They even have a POLAR BEAR! It was caught in Alaska in 1970. That was my favorite."
Why this made the list: Polar bears are hot!
18. "I found a tent with CUPHOLDERS! "
Why this made the list: Cupholders! In a tent! I feel like more people should be concerned about this.
19. "I figured out that I can French braid."
Why this made a list: I impress me sometimes.
20. "Jayde helped me push an empty cart around Wal-Mart. We had a system, and I only ran into a pole once due to looking at her. We were chanting. "Big step, big step, big step. Turn, turn, turn turn turn. Big step, big step, big step. Stop." I had her taking as big a step as she could. Then when my back starting to hurt, I told her I couldn't make it. And she goes, "Whew, I tired." So we collapsed on the floor. Yeah, we got some stares, but I didn't really mind. Nobody in our party minded."
Why this made the list: Jayde is cute.
21. "Camy was walking by my mom who had a scooter. She loves helping her gran. She felt like such a big girl. Just about the only thing she didn't grab for my mom were the cokes. I got those. She didn't want them to land on her face. She ran off when I reached for it and goes, "Not my face, not my face!" What a card!"
Why this made the list: Camy is cute too.
22. "I am so anxious/nervous for the 6th, I wish it had already happened. I will sleep so much better with all of that figured out/ handled. I will lose so much stress once I know my girls are taken care of. I seriously would not be able to live with myself if I had just rolled over though. I am not a dog. I do not take orders so easily. I do not roll over on command. "
Why this made the list: Let me repeat: I am not a dog. I love that line.
23. "They are in love with Po. Don't blame them, though. Pandas are fucking hot. Well, Po is hot. Real pandas are just adorable. Don't think I'm into beastiality or anything. No. I wouldn't do that. EW! NASTY! Perish the thought. You nasty!"
Why this made the list: Kung-Fu Panda reference + That's So Raven reference = hawt
24. "Got up before 7 two mornings in a row. DOES. NOT. WANT."
Why this made the list: I am not a morning person.
25. "On a different note, I need a cure-all for dandruff. Mine is bad. "Mommy, it's snowing from your head." Yeah. I know."
Why this made the list: I am not kidding. Camryn actually said that to me. But I doesn't has no more.
26. "She's dressed as a ladybug right now. She's ladybug crazy! Which is a good thing, since she collects them. She tells me she is a Ladybug Princess all the time."
Why this made the list: Jayde is freaking cute!
27. "I'll just keep chanting "Go to school!" to myself. Pump myself up. Keep those bad thoughts out and not psych myself out. Just say no to self-sabotage!"
Why this made the list: Because it worked. I am now in the process of getting all of my school papers in order.
28. This entry: A Funny List
Why this made the list: LOLCats!
29. "I pretty much owe the progress I have made to Desi. I LURVE my Cajun Queen!"
Why this made the list: Desi is good for the soul.
30. "Kyle came by to fix something. Fine. But as he was leaving he says he wants to kiss the girls goodbye. WTF? He didn't even kiss them hello. I told him no. He just stared at me. I told him that he didn't need to kiss them goodbye when he didn't even kiss them hello (they were in the backyard playing). He just gave me this defeated look and went away. I WIN! I can't even believe I had the courage to do that!"
Why this made the list: First recorded victory over Kyle
31. "Right now I need to get my mind straight. Then I can think about others. This is solely selfish. I am aware, but if I don't take care of me, who will? I just need to take care of Susan right now. I need to get out of the habit of doing whatever I'm told."
Why this made the list: When I first realized I was a single human being and that I needed to take care of me.
32. "I just want to give a shout out to muh girls, Rach, Nik, and Desi. They are my guiding light. They are my soul. They are the very people that keep me sane. Don't get me wrong, I love my family, but these girls...I cherish them very much. So, go visit their blogs. Rach Desi Nik And while you're at it, check out the forum site where we all met, BijouxMB. "
Why this made the list: This is when I realized that there are people in my corner that want me to succeed and will back me up in everything that aren't my family.
33. "Talked to my mom. Seems ok with the big move. Says that if I think I need it then it's okay. I r teh confuzed. Y her not say I only fink it what I r needing? Weird."
Why this made the list: This is when I realized that my mommy will love me no matter what. And it has LOLSpeak.
34. This entry: I Wish...
Why this made the list: It's when I realized how precious life is, and how close the end really is.
35. "Oh yes. I am random. Oh yes. And you love it."
Why this made the list: See blog title.
36. "What else? I need some rum. Where's Captain Jack when you need him? Off pillaging, I suppose. Ah Captain Jack. I'll love you. And I'll never leave you. Don't care if you're a dirty rotten pirate. You look hot in guyliner. Oh Jack. Take me! NOW! Yo ho! Yo ho! A pirate's life for me! We'll have little pirate babies that'll be born with perfectly lined eyes. Oh yes. I secretly think you are part cat. >_< " Why this made the list: Pirate ramblings are always fun. 37. "might be going to LaLaLand? I dunno. It's definitely a start in the whole moving the heck outta here scheme. I think it's in the opposite direction, though. Might have to switch to the one in Covington? Eh. Whatever. I've always loved Lafayette. And ULL is there. -eyebrow raise x2- Jonathan anyone? Haha." Why this made the list: Jonathan. As in, the guy I met at DisneyWorld. Haha. 38. "I think I'm gonna have to pursue things outside the realm of pharmacy for now. It's not what I REALLY want." Why this made the list: This is when I finally realized that no, I don't want to be in a pharmacy for the rest of my life. 39. "A nautical star. A nautical star means "guidance". It is often used for sailors. And my grandfather (R. I. P.) was a sailor."
Why this made the list: It's when I figured out what I want my first tattoo to be.
40. "I just want everybody to go to bed and shut up."
Why this made the list: Not sure. It tickled my funny bone, though.
41. This entire entry: How Much is That Doggy in the Window?
Why this made the list: DOGGIES!
42. "I'm sick of bitches. SICK! We're all in hard times. ALL. OF. US. You are NOT alone. I know you feel like it, but you aren't. I. DON'T. HAVE. A. JOB! "
Why this made the list: Because I still feel the same, after all this time. And it was really only directed at one person, and they don't get it.
43. This is a two-fer.
"How the hell am I supposed to GET the experience if nobody will freaking hire me? HOW?"
"And I wonder if anybody knows how damn annoying it is to hear about all these people that are looking for pharmacy techs. Do they realize how stupid THAT makes me feel? "This company, this company, and this company are looking for techs. Why can't you find a job?" I DON'T KNOW! OK? I JUST DON'T KNOW! "
Why this made the list: Because it's when I finally expierenced that old Catch-22 everybody talks about post-college.
44. This entry: Not Da Baby!
Why this made the list: It's Jayde's 3rd Birthday entry. And look! Baby pictures of Jayde!
45. "I wanted to look at Stan's tattoos. If he's doing my phoenix tattoo, I have to check him out. He's gonna draw it up for me too. Because I say so."
Why this made the list: I haven't even gotten my first tattoo and I was thinking of my second one.
46. "I've driven her Durango around town, I just have to learn to Interstate with it. That could take a while. That thing is el huge! And you thought the Hummer was big. And it still might be, but these wheels are almost as tall as Jayde. And she's no shortie. She's 37", maybe 38" So, these wheels ain't small, by any means. The top of my Avenger, the TOP, comes up to her door, like the middle of her door. OK? And I almost fall out of the thing any time I get out. And getting in? Fahgetabouit! I has to climb in like a kid. She needs running boards like whoa. Oh yes. Durangos are scary creatures. I kid you not."
Why this made the list: It talks about me driving an SUV. Because I have been so gung-ho against them for so long. Haha.
47. "Jayde decided she was a cat today, so I made her strip naked. She cried. We talked and now she's decided that she is a little girl. I told her all of the things that cats can't do. You should have seen her face. "No cheese?!" I'm a mean mommy, I know, but it worked. No more cats. It all started because she was dumping coke onto the window seat and licking it up. Gross!"
Why this made the list: Because all this time and she hasn't ever gone back to wanting to be a cat.
48. "Living happens when you take care of yourself. "
Why this made the list: Guess.
49. This entry: It's Fun To Plan
Why this made the list: Because I love to plan
50. This entry: Just More Plans!
Why this made the list: Ditto!
51. This entry: Step Into the Boudoir
Why this made the list: Double ditto!
52. "Today Camy decided to paint my fingernails. She did pretty decent even though she did it her own way rather than the "right" way. Haha. She painted them like you would paint a picture. LOL So cute! How many five-year-olds can claim they painted mommy's nails? Not many."
Why this made the list: Pride.
53. "If your kid has bugs, whether tangible or not, don't send them to school. "
Why this made the list: Because of how frustrating it is when your kid gets infected because people send their kids to school JUST to get rid of them
54. "Thick green mucus is NOT your friend. It is EVIL! EVIL! "
Why this made the list: EVIL!
55. "Camy ended up tossing her cookies and spiking a 102 temp at about t minus 1 hour. And what did she throw up? Something I gave to her at about 9:15. Gross. It just sat on her tummy for freaking SEVEN hours! EW! "
Why this made the list: Vomit!
56. "Still don't see the point in celebrating the day the man got beheaded with symbols of love. I DON'T UNDERSTAND! "
Why this made the list: Because I still don't get it.
57. "So, I don't know how many of you noticed (my mom did), but I literally live in a hell house. Just look at my street number upside down, if you are privy to my address."
Why this made the list: Because 7734 rocks your socks off.
58. "And now, thanks to MJ, I AM thinking about moving to Bay St. Louis. I would like to move AWAY from the hurricanes, but closer to them could work too. I guess. LOL."
Why this made the list: Because MJ rocks!
59. This entry: Best. Song. Evar!
Why this made the list: Because I need to remember to take this attitude. And this song rocks!
60. "I am actually crying and wanting to end this relationship before it gets started because he wants to take it slow and actually understands. I don't get me sometimes. "
Why this made the list: It's the day before I started dating Jessie.
61. This entry: What Susan Needs
Why this made the list: Because it's amusing.
62. This entry too: Proof Of My Rock Moves
Why this made the list: Because I'm kind of proud of it.
63. "Kyle called me this morning...uh...yesterday morning now, and said he would distribute my resume' to anybody he could. "
Why this made the list: It's one of the biggest mistakes I have made this year.
64. "I am geography fail."
Why this made the list: It's true. I failed almost any test in which I had to identify anything on a map.
65. "So, um, things happen so quickly around here it's pretty funny. Date = back on. LMAO. He'll be here in about 12 hours!"
Why this made the list: It marks the first time I saw Jessie in person in seven years.
66. "I'm way past weirded out when it comes to seeing him again."
Why this made the list: It shows how shy I can be even if I know somebody.
67. "I really just want Jessie to come tonight."
Why this made the list: It shows just how much I just wanted to get laid.
68. "Yesterday was pretty fun. I don't think it was as fun for Jessie. ROFLMAO So not going there. He would kill me! And I know he reads this, so, so not taking the chance. I mean, I love you, Jessie!"
Why this made the list: Because it's funny that after all that worrying over having sex with him on the first date, we didn't have any. And the fact that he wanted it sooooo bad, but I kept telling him we couldn't. I guess the secret's out now, huh?
69. This entry, or really the link enclosed: You Know It!
Why this made the list: My mommy's birthday!
70. This entry: Red Rebellion
Why this made the list: The Red Rebellion DVD shoot
71. "I think Jessie is more anxious about me getting my life together than I am. Although, I see his point. I love that we can be so honest with each. And I love that he totally called me out tonight on my certain habit."
Why this made the list: Because it shows how much Jessie cares/cared about me and my life. And that makes me happy even though it ended.
72. "Haven't talked to Jessie in a while. Kinda bummed about that. I really want to hear his voice. I keep thinking about the other Saturday and my heart keeps doing the butterfly thing. I miss him!"
Why this made the list: Because it's a couple of days before I drove all the way to McComb, alone. It's also two days before I saw Jessie in person for the last time.
73. "So, anyway, it looks like my only job for now is going to be school. I'mma talk it over with the mom this weekend and then see if I can start in the fall. The government/court considers school a job. So...maybe...I'm thinking fashion merchandising."
Why this made the list: When I finally realized that my only future was in going to school and also when I finally decided on a major.
74. "Jessie told me that we need to take this thing easy. Make it more casual. And that basically, I am not marriage material. Because I've already had kids and he feels like he's paying for my sins. And that he wants a clean slate."
Why this made the list: Not a good memory, but a memory nonetheless. This is when I realized that I would have to be careful about the boys I got involved with. Also when I realized that maybe Jessie wasn't right for me. BIGGEST. FEAR. REALIZED.
75. "Well, I guess I'm becoming less and less controlled by my computer and more and more controlled by my phone."
Why this made the list: This is when I realized I could blog by phone.
76. "But thanks to Tiana, I figured out what exactly what went wrong and why. "
Why this makes the list: I started to reconnect with Tiana again, and realized just how much she rocks (which I think I already knew).
77. "So, I don't think I can make it until my Canadian vacation in July. "
Why this makes the list: The day after I decided to visit Tiana and Curtis
78. "Children are the best teachers, though. Looking at the world through the eyes of one of my babies will show you so much! I can guarantee that. Now, I know why so may people love early childhood development."
Why this makes the list: The day I discovered the REAL reason to have children
79. "Went to the unemployment office today."
Why this made the list: It was a week after I just gave in and reached out for help with the job/money thing.
80. "Took the kids to the park. That was quite the adventure."
Why this made the list: Because the park adventure was strange and frustrating but also funny.
81. " I tell her to walk until she falls out. So she stops about three steps later and procedes to "fall" onto the ground."
Why this made the list: Because Jayde is a drama queen.
82. "Wes and his family were in town today. He's so grown up since entering the Marines. "
Why this made the list: Because time flies.
83. "The only thing Camy can hold down is Sprite. Can't even hold down the anti-nausea medication. How fun!"
Why this made the list: Because that ordeal pretty much made me able to handle puke.
84. "Made meatball soup tonight. "
Why this made the list: It's the first time I ever cooked without a recipe
85. "No unemployment benefits for me. Just leave it at that. But the reasoning behind it may keep also keep me from getting a job. "
Why this made the list: Because this is when I realized that working for the Lake did more damage than good.
86. " I have an ovarian cyst as well. An ovarian cyst that is mimicking a pregnancy. An ovarian cyst that is causing me and has been causing me a lot of pain. An ovarian cyst I want gone. Now."
Why this made the list: Because it's the first time I've ever had an ovarian cyst in my life.
87. "And we were talking to him and he's like, "There are like 500 people in here and not enough of us." "
Why this made the list: Because it's when I decided to start applying to retail jobs, part time.
88. "...when it occurs to me that I am really pretty. Yes, you heard that correctly (or read that, really). I actually think that I am pretty. And that, my friends, is a pretty awesome feeling. "
Why this made the list: Obvious reasons. And it makes me feel good.
89. " And honestly, it was the best gift ever, for me. Instead of spending my birthday adventure to DisneyWorld having fun, I got to spend it worried about money while trying to fake being happy. I almost missed out! Thank God P was there to give me that, though. I owe it all to him."
Why this made the list: Because it shows that I am still quite bitter about the way I was done at the Lake.
90. "He doesn't make the rules, and fortuneately enough for me, he doesn't bend them either. Thank God for people lilke him! "
Why this made the list: Satire rocks your socks. Even if it's not completely done right.
91. This entry: Damn Boys!
Why this made the list: Because it's when I really decided that I AM a survivor. I am stronger than that, but that it's also OK to cry once in a while.
92. This entry: Some Things You Do For Love, Love, Love
Why this made the entry: Because I believe in love, and feel like people make love harder than it has to be. No, Lady Gaga, if it's rough, it is NOT fun!
93. "To the dumb men who think I am looking for a new father for my children and financial support for myself: you are misataken."
Why this made the list: Because it's when I realized what it must look like for a single mom of two without a job to be looking for a boyfriend.
94. "I hope it's ok I happened upon your blog!" -Nik
Why this made the list: Because it is always ok if you happen upon my blog
95. "I don't think I could ever go without myspace. I'm quite addicted." -Vicki
Why this made the list: Because myspace, it will suck you in
96. "What is Sutan?"- Nik
Why this made the list: Because I just can't fathom why somebody WOULDN'T know who Sutan was. For those of you still confused, and also for my pleasure (because as gay as he is, I still think he's hot) THIS is Sutan: (picture to come) visit his site:
97. "I like the firearm check-in. You know you live in the south when you have one of those lol. "- Vicki
Why this made the list: Thank you! THANK. YOU!
98. "Get to work on the short chick clothing line. I'll gladly model. My short ass is sick of searching for clothes that don't fit."- Desi
Why this made the list: Because this is the comment that jump started my heart.
99. "Big change, but sometimes change is awesome! " -Desi
Why this made the list: Because it's supportive. And I expect nothing less of Desi.
100. "YAY for standing up for yourself. You are awesome! :) I am happy for you. " - Rachel
Why this made the list: Because my victories are felt by everyone.
Because it just wouldn't be my blog if I didn't have bonuses.
1. "Aww, Susan! I always find you in the perfect times it seems. Ah! I have "goosepimples" as one little girl called it today. *HUGS*I love you. For real. No jokes. NO mess. Except for the occasional typo and my horrible text-slang. Hehe.I think you are right, though. Now is the perfect time for you to be selfish, and heck, I kind of want you to be for once. :)" -Nik
2. "I hate how time pulls people apart and not together, unless they seem to work to stay together. It seems... almost opposite of what nature should do, doesn't it? Or hearts should do. Ugh, I'm babbling.I'll be your sister."- Nik
3. "I have some "redneck maffia" connections. lol. It's more or less some rednecks who are Marine reserves that will do anything for a 6 pack. Ah yes, the good ole boys. Drives big trucks. With a shotgun behind the seat. Prolly the kind of guy I'll end up marrying lol. Just say the time and place. I'll even help hide the body. And he'd be clear out in the gulf in 2 days. No one would ever suspect a thing. lol. If only it were that easy." - Vicki
4. "You just let me know when you get all of this done so I can move my ass in, lol."- M.J.
5. "I lurve you!"- M.J.
6. "Idk what to tell you about the rest, dude, it'll all come in due time."- M.J.
7. "That's what I love about a good boyfriend. Able to call you out and make you tell them the truth, because they're willing to do that for you."- M.J.
8. "One day we will be blind and miserable together, haha."- M.J.
I think I am sensing a pattern...
9. "it's baby steps, honey. you CAN be who you want to be, who you used to be. one small step at a time."- Tiana
10. "either way, you are STRONG, you are BEAUTIFUL and you are downright amazing. don't ever forget it."- Tiana
11. "I wasnt lying when i was trying to empower you, you have to get motivated in have to be strong in life.YOU CAN NEVER STOP.Dont let your armor get down."- Jessie
12. "so how about I just tell you instead that I love you and think you're beautiful and give you a huge long distance hug?? *HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUG*"- M.J.
13. "I had the same revelation earlier today. Although, mine was really just that I have a really pretty face. And it wasn't a post-shower picture - it was a picture of me at the bar. lolol" -Angela
14. "men just never understand."- Courtney
And now, ladies and gentlemen, that concludes this blog! Here's to 100 more entries!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Get It Together
My girls HAVE a father. They don't need a father. You don't even have to like them or bond with them. I don't really care. As long as you don't hurt them in any way, I don't care what relationship you have with them. You don't even have to have any relationship with them. I'm not even sure if I want you to meet them.
Now, as for me, no, I really am NOT a gold-digger. As much as I joke about it, that's honestly not me. That's all that is, a joke. Money cannot buy happiness. It can try, but it will never succeed. You have to make your own happiness.
I don't need financial support. I require emotional support, somebody who can talk to me when I need encouragment, love me unconditionally, hold me when I need a shoulder to cry on, and who will listen when I need to just bitch. Someone who will catch me when I fall, or even, if possible, prevent me from falling altogether. Someone to back me up when a tough decision has to be made, but is not afraid to tell me when, in his heart, he knows I am wrong. A life partner, a friend, a comrad, but also somebody who I can take to bed with me because mommies need lovin' too.
Monday, May 25, 2009
1. Build-a-Bear
2. Champs Sports
3. Foot Locker
4. Lady Foot Locker
5. Kids Foot Locker
6. Foor Action
7. dELiAs
8. Express
9. the Gap
10. Lane Bryant
11. Catherine's
12. Sears
13. Ulta
Well, at least I tried. I got halfway, which is, I guess, okay. Some of the places required a resume, and I don't have one saved on this computer. I guess I should get on that, right?
Some Things You Do For Love, Love, Love
Sunday, May 24, 2009
The girls come back from Jackson tomorrow. They went to see the Hannah Montana movie with Grandma Karen and Nanny Mary today. I can't wait to hear all about it. Camryn sounded so excited although it did rain almost the whole time. But it did here too.
I'm gonna apply to more retail jobs again tomorrow. Just the perfect way to spend Memorial Day! I just need to keep busy until Tuesday. Hopefully nobody will call until at least Wednesday. I wonder just how many I can fill out before I pass out. It is now my mission to do twenty-five tomorrow. I have lost count of how many applications I've done this year. Pathetic!
Yeah. I'm gonna go now, though. The Tylenol is calling out to me. So, be good.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Damn Boys!
Although, sometimes, I do have to sit down, write in my journal, and cry great big tears of relief. Afterall, one can't have rainbows in the soul without a few drops of rain from the eyes. Right? Right.
Happy Birthday!
You Wish You Were Me!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Duck Takes the Cake
Yeah. I'm quite stuffy and stuff. Nice and snotty. So fun.
I have an ovarian cyst as well. An ovarian cyst that is mimicking a pregnancy. An ovarian cyst that is causing me and has been causing me a lot of pain. An ovarian cyst I want gone. Now.
But on to other things. I am applying to some more jobs right now. I got the job at Vector, but it wasn't what I thought it was. I thought summer work would be like clerical work or something. It wasn't. It was selling Cutco knives, which are awesome knives and all, but it's basically a scam. And I think they accept everybody. Lol.
So, Wednesday, I went to Best Buy with the madre and, well, the entire family and it's a huge store. We were looking for a new washing machine because, in true Susan fashion, it decided now would be a good time to time for the agitator to die. And I'm guessing a new machine would be less expensive than having the old one fixed. At least that's the impression el madre gives me. And it's probably true. I'm thinking I heard it would cost like $1,000. People like to make you pay about that much for stuff. It's fun for them. Har.
Anyway, we're walking around and we've found the machine, and there's one freaking associate, who is already WITH a customer and it seems to be taking a long time. And my mother's getting impatient and the mamaw is getting impatient and the kids, the kids are getting a little bit wild. So, we see two associates walking by and I guess one of them was a manager or something because he sends the other one to find somebody once we asked if there was somebody who could help. And we were talking to him and he's like, "There are like 500 people in here and not enough of us." And I'm like "oh hey. if you need help im available. im smart, and a fast learning and very willing." or something like that. So, he tells me how to apply and he goes on to say that I can apply there but that it's pretty long and takes about 30-45 minutes to finish and if my kids are starting to get wired (he did not assume this, we told him this), that it might be a good idea to do it at home. So, that's what I am doing (well, when I finish this) now. And I guess I will apply to other places too. That could be a good idea. Har.
Anyway, here's a list of where I applied to today:
1. Best Buy
2. 5-7-9
3. Old Navy
4. Borders
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Warming Up
New applications sent to the following:
1. UPS-Port Allen- P/T Package Handler
2. Radio Shack- Baton Rouge- Sales Associate
3. PictureMe Portrait Studios- Denham Springs- Manager in Training
4. Vector Marketing Corp- Baton Rouge- Summer Work
5. Apple Staffing- Baton Rouge- Marketing Assistant
6. Dillard's- Baton Rouge- Sales Associate
7. Forever 21- Baton Rouge- Sales Associate
8. United Career Services- Baton Rouge- Medical Administrative Assistant
9. Confidential- Baton Rouge- Healthcare Receptionist
Friday, April 24, 2009
Just Dance
I'm broke out pretty bad. Ugh! I went through this in high school. Why am I going through it again? I think I asked that in yday's entry too, but it's seriously irritating me.
Didn't make it to the park, obviously. Kids started with the puking as soon as Camy got home from school. Well, Camy did. Jayde started a little later.
Made meatball soup tonight. Can't wait to eat it! I saved it for tomorrow night. I'm really excited because I came up with it on my own and people actually seemed to like it. I sent some across the street I was so proud. Beginning to think I got into the wrong field. Lol. Although I burn myself on an almost constant basis. I have two burn scars on my right hand alone. Both were received making cheese pizza. Two different stoves though. I'm freaking talented like that. If I suck too bad at sewing, then I'll look into it again. Haha. I'm really beginning to get into it though. I used to never make anything without a recipe. Now I'm starting to free style it a lot more. So impressed with myselfroght now. So impressed. I love me. -pats self on back and then toots own horn- i wonder if anybody needs a chef's assistant or something. Hrmmmmmm...
Computer is supposed to be here tomorrow. We'll see. When all is said and done we will have two working computers here. Woot!
Well, that's all from me.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
It Has Nothing To Do With You
Got a letter from the uo today. Apparently there is a problem with my claim. I wish I hadn't have tossed out my separation papers from the Lake. Can't agrue with something on the official stationary. And then they called while I was out today.
Speaking of which, went to visit my Aunt Sonya today. Wes and his family were in town today. He's so grown up since entering the Marines. Didn't see Clay though. Little Mr. was sleeping. Can't believe he's freaking 18! Seems so crazy. He's not a bebe any more. The kids had a ball though. Wes has two little boys, Jackson and Jace. Jace is 16 months and Jackson is 3, but they kept up with my girls no problem. They were kinda iffy about each other at first, but it didn't take long to get them going. And Clay somehow slept through it all. Not sure how. Gotta be a heavy sleeper!
Was gonna take the girls to the BREC park by Antioch today but we decided against it because of the current gas situation. Oh well. It will be there next week. I'm gonna take them to a closer one tomorrow. The same sandy one from yday. Hopefully it won't be so much of an adventure this time! Haha.
Well, I think that's it for me.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
How Soon Is Now?
I was telling Mamaw today that I wanted to marry a cardiologist this time. I have a theory.
Went back to the uo today. Had to register and enter my resume. Stupid computer. Wish I had a computer geek who would fix it.
I have the worst luck with computers. I can kill a hard drive just by looking at it. And it's not like I save a lot of junk on them. They just randomly die! I'm a jinx.
So surprised Jessie's laptop didn't collapse into a smoldering pile the instant I touched it. I was super careful. I know my luck.I was not about to pass it on. So glad he didn't know that before. He would have banned me from the house altogether.
Took the kids to the park. That was quite the adventure. Got there had them take off the shoes and socks because it's one of those that has sand. We get to playing and Camy says she has to potty.Not a problem.
Well the grass has just been cut so it's "sharp". See where this is going?
She gets out there alright but there's no switch and its dark. She panics. So I tell her to just leave the door open but when she goes back she puts her socks back on. She gets halfway there and comes back again. She stepped on something. So she puts her shoes on and then finally she makes it. Now Jayde HAS to go.
So I go and take her.We get there and there are ants in there. Jayde panics. I pull her pants down and then put her on the potty. She goes. I grab her off of the potty and her shorts drop to the ground. We get her panties up. I pick up her shorts dust them off and put them on. She then wants me to carry her the whole way back.
I tell her to walk until she falls out. So she stops about three steps later and procedes to "fall" onto the ground. So I walk three more feet and tell her that if she makes it to me I will carry her. Well she does. So I carry her almost all the way but she starts to just hang on me instead of holding on. So I set her down, and she runs off.
The rest of the time went off without a hitch.I DO think that I got sand in my hair somehow.
So, anyway, that's about it for me.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Pass It To the Right
So, anyway, my computer crashed last night. Yay! Now I can't apply to jobs online. Frick! I hate applying the old fashioned way. I'm so technological lately. The only thing I really do the old fashioned way is the fact that I love to talk on the phone. And I never really did send emails to anyone. I hate email. I only have it so that I can do things that require one. Lol. I'm nerd.
I will be so glad when today is over. So sick of everybody talking about 420. Yeah. We freaking get it.
So not looking forward to tomorrow. I just have to get over it, I suppose. I really can't wait until I start getting the money. At least that will be SOMETHING I can contribute. At least I won't feel so freaking worthless then. Because many more dinners like the one we had tonight and I just might hurrt somebody. I do NOT enjoy telling them that no we don't have anything else to eat. >_ <
I REALLY need to go to bed so I can STOP thinking about it.
Monday, April 20, 2009
My Poker Face
I'm starting to really consider the possibility that my children are plotting my demise. They really seem to be getting worse and worse as the year goes on. But I did promise them no more spanking if they straighten up their acts. It definitely worked. At least for today it did. This will be a definite challenge and a pretty tough learning experience for me. Children are the best teachers, though. Looking at the world through the eyes of one of my babies will show you so much! I can guarantee that. Now, I know why so may people love early childhood development.
Anyway, I remembered why I hate throwing up today. Although, that's really not something you ever forget. My tummy is all rumbly and tumbly inside and me not liking it. Ew.
I am bored. Can you tell? Har. I kill me sometimes.
What else? Idunno. See what I meant about switching over to monthly entries? Really good idea. You won't have to suffer through the daily bullshit. And of course the entries will be longer. Ok. Not the BEST selling point. Lol. I am a dork. I know.
I really like how typing this up as a text helps me. This editor automatically capitalizes the first word of my sentences. It recognizes periods, exclamation points, and question marks. So awesome. The only problem? It doesn't have spell-check. Good thing I'm a really awesome speller to begin with! Now if only I could quit hitting the i and o keys together. That would REALLY help.
I should really go to bed soon. I am really tired. Don't know why. I was less tired after cleaning up that massive pile of pine chips after we got our stumps grounded. FUCK! Oh well. Goodnight, y'all!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
This Takes REAL Talent
So, I haven't written in while. Yeah, I like to state the obvious. Bite me.
I really don't know what's been up with that lately. I'll probably make this a monthly thing for a while though. I'm really still kinda out of sorts and all of that. Not too surprising, considering the break up and the talk that preceded it.
But thanks to Tiana, I figured out what exactly what went wrong and why. Won't do that again! And if I even think of dooing it again I will definitely talk to her first. She may be younger than me, but she definitely has more experience with this stuff because while I was up Kyle's butt, she was out getting her heart stomped on, repeatedly.
So, I love her and respect her and she is truly my bestie. Well, my long distance bestie. My other bestie is a mere 5 hours away. Lol. And of course there's my "sister", but even she lives in the states still.
And now there is a monster monsoon going on outside and I think I just peed a little.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Everything's Gonna Be Alright
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Out of Sorts
Jessie told me that we need to take this thing easy. Make it more casual. And that basically, I am not marriage material. Because I've already had kids and he feels like he's paying for my sins. And that he wants a clean slate. Which was one of my biggest fears. But I was ok with it. WAS. Today, I'm just feeling rejected, and like I'm having an out-of-body experience. It seems so surreal. I thought...I don't know. I don't want to get married again. I was so not ready to be in a serious relationship again, but then my heart did that butterfly thing. And I told him I wasn't sure it wasn't just infatuation at first. And I don't know if it really is love anyway, but I'm pretty sure he's scared out of his mind especially if he's been reading these blog's because sometimes I feel like I feel things so intensely that I am a little intense at times and he told me that I'm playing all my cards at once and I don't know how else to play this and I have absolutely no mystery and whatever and I so don't feel like a woman anymore. And yay for run-ons! And of course the same old story of not having confidence and at least p made an effort to try and build me up and tell me how awesome i am even if he was lying. and i guess he sorta did that the other night and yeah i need to get out more i know. i know. but that requires going out into public and being seen and not trying to hide which i am good at. really. if i could do a job from my corner. that would be awesome. i don't like people looking at me. ever. i love sex with the lights off. i love the dark. and i never used to be this way before kyle. iloved to be looked at i loved when guys tripped over themselves around me. even at 15, i had power and then after kyle it all fell apart i gained a lot of weight and lost my confidence. the bigger i get the less confidence i have and i wish i could be like queen latifah and toccara really i do they exhume confidence and they are big but me im just shrinking in that departmen. and my energy level is that of a sloth lately and i used to have a lot of energy people used to tell me to slow down and now ive slowed down too much i feel so...not me. i miss the old susan. the susan of 10 years ago the one who would tell you to your face where to stick it the susan that got into trouble for her mouth all the time the not so timid susan i miss her she ate herself into oblivion and now im afraid it's too late to find her.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Hey Dude!
I just realized that I haven't blogged in a while. Good thing, though. Not sure how coherent I would have been. Spent all of this week trying to hack up a lung and feeling like my throat had been ripped out.
I think I got the worst of it today, to be honest. I finally took some Sudafed so that I could breathe. I took the kiddie kind though. You'd be surprised how well it works, though.
I think I'm due for another dose soon. The only thing is, it says "non-drowsy", but to my body that is like a challenge. It's like, "We'll see about that!" And then I fall asleep.
So, I don't want to go to bed until I talk to the boy. Because I am a crazy in love. According to Cindi, anyway. And maybe I am, but I don't see anything wrong with it. For what I can tell, he is crazy in love too.
Or do boys GET that way? Interesting... I'll have to think about that.
I haven't been this sick since last November. Weird.
And so, I haven't been called back by application 63. I guess I was over confident or something. I hope they will call tomorrow! I REALLY wanted this. Like I have never wanted a job more. Even when I was searching for jobs when I was right out of school did I want a job so much. I was so willing to learn about marketing and sales. I was THERE! GAH!
So, anyway, it looks like my only job for now is going to be school. I'mma talk it over with the mom this weekend and then see if I can start in the fall. The government/court considers school a job. So...maybe...I'm thinking fashion merchandising. I still have to get the basics no matter what I do, anyway. English Comp, College Alg, Speech, Sociology. Maybe something else. I don't know. Maybe a science. Chemistry maybe. Maybe a bird course. Iunno. Let's see what BRCC -cringe- has to offer first.
There is still some time to think all of this through. So...
snip, snap snout,
this blog's told out!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Blogger's Block
Um. Haven't talked to Jessie in a while. Kinda bummed about that. I really want to hear his voice. I keep thinking about the other Saturday and my heart keeps doing the butterfly thing. I miss him! Ok. Maybe THAT'S why I haven't written. Haha. It's all I can think about. And wouldn't that be sappy/boring to read over and over.
Interview with application number sixty-three yesterday. Went well. The guy totally checked me out though. Partially my fault, I guess. I wore a skirt. A flippy one. And high heels. And I wore my hair back, which is my best look, imo. And I guess I was a little flirty. Those Indian guys love me, though. -cheeky grin- I can definitely offer him a lot more than the guy that interviewed ahead of me. LOL Oh get your head out of the gutter! I just mean something to look at. Sheesh! I love Jessie, and would never do that to him. And I MEAN that.
Anyway, they will call next week for a second, longer interview. I'm excited! I have to get a new outfit, though. Flippy skirt will only take me so far. It will be my ability to bs that will win me the job. And the bs switch was so on yesterday. So on.
Oh wow. I guess the block has been lifted. I just have to force myself to start, I guess. Haha.
And now I just cursed myself. LAWD!
snip, snap, snout,
this blog's told out!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
The Rainbow Connection
So, anyway, that is what I am doing now. This should be interesting.
I really shouldn't even be in front of the computer at all. But I am. Take that! I feel so useless without being able to see, though.
I can't find my phone. I have it on loud and still can't find it. Don't call me. I'm an absolute mess today. The end.
BLAH! I have a case of the blahs.
snip, snap, snout
this blog's told out!
Monday, March 09, 2009
Alrighty Then!
So. Where have I applied to today? All of these are local gigs, btw.
56. National Vision- Receptionist
57. JCPenney Portrait Studio-Team Member
58. Romano's Macaroni Grill
59. Champs Sports Management Trainee
60. Sales Associate- Dilliard's
61. Smarz and Associates
62. Research Assistant- ACS
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Red Rebellion
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Must Keep Going!
I am about to cry. Not only is my count at 55, but I have recruited my ex-husband to help with the job hunt. I doubt he can do anything, but I sent him my resume'. I am THAT desperate. I am also looking for jobs not directly in my field. Anybody else who wants a copy of my resume' can have it, if they think they can help.
Although, I did just get off the phone with a lady from the CVS Caremark job in Birmingham. -crosses fingers- She said she would pass my info on to her supervisors. It sounded promising-ish!
"Satan" Should Die
Cycle day number one for me. So much fun! Cramps are AWESOME! Cramps in the cold, though? PRICELESS! And me, without a snuggle buddy! HOW VERY PERFECT! -eyeroll-
I'm driving up there on Friday night. Don't argue. Everybody needs a stalker. LOL
My friend, Melissa, has this very awesome fiance named Shane, and he is shooting a DVD on Saturday. Guess who is going? ME! Iz gonna be a star! I made a deal that will probably come back to haunt me, but whatever. I really need to get out more.
So, anyway, I am sitting INSIDE wearing a hoodie. I am a wienie today. A very big wienie.
What else?
Nothing especially cool happened today. I didn't even apply to anywhere today. I didn't get rejected either. So, that was good. I'm just going to start applying to places and get a "normal" job now. It's come down to that. I don't know how useful my resume will be for that, though, but it can't hurt to try. Right? Right. But let me take this opportunity to say how much Mr. Bobby Jindal sucks right now. I never thought his hiring freezes would affect me. HA! And now there are approximately 2,000 more people looking for jobs now. Wait! Is that right? I think it may be more. But anyway, this means even MORE competition and pretty much all of it more experienced, period. fkldsfaskl;ajskal;sakl;fdskalf!
I wish somebody would discover me. I wish somebody would hear me singing and be like, "you! record deal! now!" Or maybe say to me, "you have a pretty face, come model for us!" Something! I need a break. Just a small one. Just something to get me on my feet enough to be able to get a house, or like be able to STAY here.
No, I really DON'T like my supposed free ride. It kills me. I am just sitting here, rotting basically, and I won't be able to keep this house. And I can't afford anything else. And I have mouths to feed. Bodies to clothe. Heads to cover. And in July, I'm going to lose the ability to do that. FOR GOOD! And I feel like such a bum. Like a loser. And all anybody can say is "sorry," but they can't do anything to help. All they can do is shake their heads and pity me. FUCKING! HELP ME! Telling me to let it go and let God, isn't helping me. God is not doing SHIT! He thinks this whole thing is fucking hilarious. Well, guess what! I don't get the joke. I'm not laughing.
Worrying about it another day is not an option. THIS IS IT! This is crunch time. This is move it or lose it time. There is no more tomorrow left. I have no time to relax. This has to get done, NOW! There is no time for self-pity or self- doubt. It is what is it, and that's all there is. And I guess it's just me myself and I now. Nobody's going to do it for me. I have to do it. I have to do it ALL! And it has to be done YESTERDAY!
And I am way past over emotional right now, so I'm going to bed.
snip, snap, snout,
this blog's told out
Sunday, March 01, 2009
CC's, I Love You, Taco Bell, Not So Much
Anyway, I got an iced chai latte' today from CC's, and I was in heaven. I miss it. So much. Being broke sucks!
But then I tried to find a Taco Bell and the one by my house was closed due to equipment failure. Susan was PISSED! She drove all over town to find one. Fucking Nazis!
I am in such a weird mood right now. I'm in between giddy and nervous.
I have to clean my house and make cookies and all kinds of fun stuff.
I think I will send my gma off when he gets here. Maybe she can go to my mom's? I don't know. She said she would go to her room or something. But I honestly don't want to disrupt the flow of the afternoon. I'm way past weirded out when it comes to seeing him again.
I don't know how it's gonna go. I mean, I know I feel things for him, but I don't think fucking him would absolutely be appropriate on the first "date." But who knows how long until we see each other again, you know.
I'm gonna try to get over my weird fear of driving up there alone by then. Maybe do a dry run or two with the gma? I don't know. Somebody help me! I don't know how long the Kyle excuse is gonna work for.
I meean, it IS true. He WON'T drop them off if I'm not there. But...I'm not completely sure once will hurt. I really just want Jessie to come tonight. Well, I did, but ish too late now. : (
I wish I knew all the answers! I think I'mma go to bed now. Maybe my sub-conscious will know what to do.
Snip, snap, snout,
This blog's told out!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Real Entry!
The job front is not looking good. I am up to 48 applications and 6 rejections so far. I am going to start applying to non-pharmacy tech positions.
Kyle called me this morning...uh...yesterday morning now, and said he would distribute my resume' to anybody he could. Unfortunately, one of the people he mentioned has already told me how much I suck. They were my FIRST rejection. But at least I went on an interview with them. Nobody else has even given me that much. I think I may have been rejected from the job in Watson too, though. I've heard nothing. But they really don't need me until April anyway. Here's to hoping. I think Watson is closer to Jessie. I have to look it up. I am geography fail.
The kids are gone again. 4th time? They are going to Eunice again this weekend. They have a birthday party to go to. A third (or fourth?) cousin is turning one. Fun fun.
And that's it
Snip, snap, snout,
this blog's told out.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Proof Of My Rock Moves
1 - Go to "wikipedia." Hit “random”
or click
The first random wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.
2 - Go to "Random quotations"
or click http://www.quotationspage.
The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.
3 - Go to flickr and click on “explore the last seven days”
or click
Third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.
4 - Use photoshop or similar to put it all together.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
What Susan Needs
Go to google, type in (your name) Needs, and share the first ten things it comes up with. My comments are in ()'s.
1. Susan needs all your love and money (maybe not ALL your money)
2. Susan needs to understand that she needs to be building up her language
3. Susan needs a wheelchair. (not so much)
4. Susan needs our prayers . (not really me, just my situation)
5. Susan needs opportunities to practice literate speech
6. Susan needs to stop complaining (YES SHE DOES!)
7. Susan needs to get laid! (OMG! Truer words have not been spoken)
8. Susan needs to "get off her butt and do more housework. (pfft!)
9. Susan needs your help now to prepare for the election call
10.Susan needs a tray, six inserts, center bowl and metal spinning rack (Do what now?)
And a bonus:
11. Susan needs a change. (OK. I take that back. THESE are the truest words.)
Collateral Damage
I'm going to start keeping a cumulative list.
So I'm starting with 34 today.
34. Aerotek Scientific- Nashville, TN
35. UHS Pruitt Corporation- Valdosta, GA
36. Lexington Medical Center- West Columbia, SC
37. HealthSpring- Nashville, TN
38. Corporate Pharmacy- Gadsden, AL
39.MedfusionRx- Franklin, TN
41. The Corner Pharmacy- Nashville, TN
42. Manpower- Allentown, PA
43. Cardinal Health- Birmingham, AL
44. Mission Hospitals- Asheville, NC
45. TMI Management Systems, Inc.- Murfreesboro, TN
46. Lockheed Martin- Southern, MS
47. Innovative Pharmacy Services- Altamonte Springs, FL
48. Baptist Health South Florida- Miami, FL
I need two more. I can't find any more, though.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
From Queen Bee To Worker Bee
1. Rite Aid- Hagewood, LA
2. Medical Staffing Network Allied Services- Pensacola, FL
3. knowledge services- Sioux Falls, SD
4. InRange Systems- San Antonio, TX
5. PharMerica- Lubbock, TX
6. CCS Medical- Clearwater, FL
7. ExcelleRX, INC- Memphis, TN
8. Maxim Staffing Solutions- Nashville, TN
That makes the total 33.
Friday, February 20, 2009
How Many More?
So, here's the list for today:
1. MCLNO/Charity Hospital and Med Center - New Orleans, LA (local-ish)
2. CVS Caremark- Birmingham, AL
3. Kaiser Permanente- Southern California
Yeah, I suck. So, not feeling it today. That's only 15 this week. I don't care. I don't really at this point. The Yahoo! Hot Jobs website is being a pain.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Back On the Trail
Today I have applied to:
1. St. Francis Health Systems
2. Bard
3. United Career Services
4. St. Luke's Episcopal Health System
5. Providence Health and Services
6. Scott & White
7. CCS Medical
8. Univ. Health System
10.Unity Health Care Inc.
11. Bayfront Health System
12. Tenet Healthcare
None of them are local. All of them are in other states. DESPERATION ANYONE?