Sunday, October 11, 2009

Stretchy Pants Not Included

So, I got an iPhone the other day. And you'd think I could freaking write entries on the site using it instead of texting the entries, but nope. The site won't let me write them in the space. Yeah, nevermind, just know that it's ducked up.

The other day, I had a feeling something good was gonna happen. Instead of just feeling it and letting it happen, I said something. Big mistake! Somebody hit my car, really smashung the side and then took of like nothing happened. And the worst part? Nobody but the driver saw it happen or at least thy all acted like they saw nothing. My g-ma actually was using the car when it happened. There are pictures on my Facebook. I haven't been so pissed as I was when I saw it. My perfectly blue car now has yellow and orange ugly ass paint on it. See if I share my good feelings again! It just proves that I am right to hate people. Even if they didn't write down their insurance information (which I doubt they had), a little note to say sorry would have been nice. Of course, that's probably expecting too much. -eyeroll- And people ask me why I'm sarcastic and cynical. Because when I'm not THIS happens. -growls-