Friday, February 05, 2010

I'm siiiiick! I have a pretty bad tummy ache in which I got from either Camryn or Jayde. I'm not quite clear which. It comes with a special surprise, too. But I'm not too worried about that. I'm too busy trying not to scream from the pain. I have too many nosy neighbors who would probably report me to the loony bin. Lol.

I've already had several mention that I don't wear shoes and that this concerns them. I don't know why. I'm from Mississippi, and I'm not all that used to shoes. I know it sounds stereotypical, but I seriously never wore shoes growing up. I once got stung in the bottom of my foot because I was going to play in my back yard and STEPPED on a bee. When I dislocated my elbow, I was outside, and had to put shoes on to go to the ER. My grandma has rocks in her driveway, millions and millions of rocks. But did this stop me from walking in it completely barefoot? Of course not! These people are pretty obsessed with it, though. And I just laugh it off. I don't have the heart to tell them that my feet are used to worse. Lol. Oy!!