Saturday, May 23, 2009

Damn Boys!

Why is it that after all the weirdness, all the heartache, all the pain, after all the stupid bullshit, I still want THAT BOY to pick me up off the ground, dust me off, push me back into the great wide world, and tell me to keep going? Why is it that the echoes of HIS WORDS are the only thing that comforts me? I keep hearing his words ringing in my ears, and its the only way I can push through most of the time "Don't give up, Susan. Never give up!" So, the more people push me down, the harder I push back. The more rejections I receive, the greater my determination becomes. This downslide cannot and will not last forever, and when it ends, I will be the last one standing, the sole survivor.

Although, sometimes, I do have to sit down, write in my journal, and cry great big tears of relief. Afterall, one can't have rainbows in the soul without a few drops of rain from the eyes. Right? Right.

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