Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Beheading Day!

Oh yes. It's St. Valentine's Day again. How delightful. Still don't see the point in celebrating the day the man got beheaded with symbols of love. I DON'T UNDERSTAND! Help me understand. Please!

So, anyway, my body is back to normal-ish again. Stomach ache still, but it comes and goes.

Camy seems about 85% better. She is writing and reading right now. Not sure why. I don't think she knows it is Saturday...LOL

I kinda wish it was Wednesday again so I could do another wish list. I'm kinda bored.

Let's do a Q & A! You ask any question you want at the end of this entry and I will answer it in the next entry. Sound like fun? Sounds like fun to me. Nothing is too personal or off limits. So, think hard and ask away. Ready. Set. Go!

snip snap snout
this blog's told out!

Friday, February 13, 2009

How One Hour Became Four

I definitely don't win any awards for motherhood today.

Camy ended up tossing her cookies and spiking a 102 temp at about t minus 1 hour. And what did she throw up? Something I gave to her at about 9:15. Gross. It just sat on her tummy for freaking SEVEN hours! EW!

So, she didn't go to Eunice. Kyle and I agreed that them there old people didn't need to be exposed.

Hah? You agree? Just like that. I fused now. NOTHING MAKES SENSE ANY MORE!

This Is Torture

Another weekend at Daddy's! Jayde doesn't want to go. LOL. They're actually going to Eunice, LA. Not really sure why, but it's whatever.

Camy stayed home from school today. She had a 102.5 temperature. She really SHOULDN"T be going anywhere. She came home yday and had tossed her cookies. She had barely eaten anything. Turns out a bug is going around. From head lice to stomach bugs. I really don't miss school when summer is here. We don't have to deal with other parent's stupidity when we're out of school. If your kid has bugs, whether tangible or not, don't send them to school. A sure sign of a bug is a fever. 99.9 is fine, but when you get to 100, just don't do it! GAH! Thick green mucus is NOT your friend. It is EVIL! EVIL! -jumps off of high horse-

I feel better now.

I'm thinking about applying to some hospitals in the Memphis area. Vicki gave me some great information about the hospitals in the area. I could hug her! I think I'll start with St. Jude. You may have heard of them...

Which reminds me. HAT DRIVE TIME!

I am unofficially starting a hat drive. I am collecting hats to send to St. Jude. If you want to participate, let me know. NEW HATS ONLY! If you want to make them, knitted and crocheted is fine. Must come from a smoke-free home. My goal is 20 "boy" hats and 20 "girl" hats. I did this before in 2006 ( I think). Well, I take that back. I sent that many, but I just bought them all myself. I want to give others a chance to help. But keep in mind that I will have other opportunities to help. If you don't do this, you can always do other things. There's still 10 months in the year. If you have a giving back idea, let me know.

Note to self: TAKE CLOTHES TO SVP!

Sorry. January's project got started and never finished. Har. Big garbage bags. I needz them.

T minus 2 hours and counting :(

I'm going to go now. Children's movie has ended and chaos will soon ensue.

snip snap snout
this blog's told out

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Purrfect Day

Today Camy decided to paint my fingernails. She did pretty decent even though she did it her own way rather than the "right" way. Haha. She painted them like you would paint a picture. LOL So cute! How many five-year-olds can claim they painted mommy's nails? Not many. I don't think Grandma Karen the Wonderful would have let her.

I'm on page 99 of Midnight incomplete copy of Midnight Sun, as it hasn't been finished/published yet, but Midnight Sun nonetheless. You can find a copy at

My stomach still hurtsss. And of course my back, but that's perpetual.

I don't know. I'm boring.

snip, snap, snout
this blog's told out!

Ever Have a Wish?

I have plenty of them. And you can view them here *clickclick* every Wednesday.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

May I Have Your Attention Please!

I've been pretty much pumping Ibuprofen into my system for like 3 days now. This is NOT a normal back ache. A normal back ache I can handle. Whatever. But I also have a stomach ache. Something may ACTUALLY be wrong with me. Or maybe not. It's probably random again. My foot hurts and swells up. Random. My stool is runny and I've had it for like 3 weeks. Random. I have a headache on the top of my head. Random. My muscles are twitchy. Random. I've about had it with random. Something effin' better be wrong with me or I'm never seeing another doctor again. I can just outright die. I don't care. Because they WON'T be able to find a cause. RANDOM IS GOING TO KILL ME!

And how was your day?

snip snap snout
this blog's told out!