Thursday, January 08, 2009

I'm Just Bored, Really

Honestly, I have to pee and I'm really kind of tired. I don't like this waking up in the morning thing. Got up before 7 two mornings in a row. DOES. NOT. WANT.

You know what else I does not want. Another baby. I thought I might, but right now I don't. It's weird. Don't know if Kyle's thought process sneaked into my mind or if I'm really happy with just two. I might just adopt a boy. But really, I don't know if I even want to do that.

On a different note, I need a cure-all for dandruff. Mine is bad. "Mommy, it's snowing from your head." Yeah. I know.

Man, I am sleepy. WTF? I pretty much can't think I'm so tired. Nappy time!


  1. I'm AT WORK for 7 every day, you slacker! :P

    Head & Shoulders is da bomb for the head-snow. Wal-Mart, yo.

    And I'm reading your About Me section. Get to work on the short chick clothing line. I'll gladly model. My short ass is sick of searching for clothes that don't fit.

  2. Ok so use dermarest psorias shampoo it burns a bit but it helps alot!
