So, I got Kyle's desk mess pretty much cleaned. You wouldn't believe the bag of garbage I'm tossing out. And it's about halfway finished. I've got a few hours to get it finished. Midnight is the deadline.
We're having chilli for dinner tonight. Chilli is love. We've got cheese and corn chips and oyster crackers to go with it. YAY!
My mom came over and is in charge of the black-eyed peas and cabbage so that we can eat it at midnight tonight. Don't ask me. Is a family tradition. Not sure where it came from. Not sure I want to know.
Our neighbors invited us to do fireworks with them tonight. They promised non-loud ones. So happy. Camy and Jayde HATE loud fireworks or really loud things in general. But they won't be here until about 8. Hope Kyle isn't counting on putting them to bed. I am letting them stay up until they pass out. It's freaking New Years!
He's picking them up in Hammond at about 5 and then they are going to dinner with his mom or whatever. I just hope they don't come in with like a million things. They did "Christmas" this week, I'm sure. They went to Chuck E. Cheese's and to see The Tale of Despereaux yesterday. And yes, they had already seen the movie. Oh well! Jayde didn't talk throughout the entire movie this time.
I really hope she didn't pee in her pants. She was doing so well. She just needs encouragement to keep it up. She's funny that way.
Amongst the clothes we found for her, we found a winter hat. Just hope it fits. It's cute as hell. She'll get a kick out of it. Of this I am sure.
Anyway, my New Year's resolution is to do more community work and to "give back" more. Should be easy. I'll be trying to collect hats for St. Jude, coats for Coats for Kids, and fans for the elderly. I'll be doing a virtual lemonade stand with Alex's Lemonade Stand, and some other stuff. 2009 is a building year. I also vow to keep my job longer than seven months. And I also promise a list a week. I've already got my first one in the works. And that's it from me.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
It Was the Year That Would Not End
How much longer do we have with 2008? It's taking forever.
I need to attack the mess on Kyle's desk. I feel like just clearing the whole thing off and then just going through it bit by bit. Actually, to be honest, I feel like throwing it ALL in the garbage. But I can't do that. We have house papers in the mess. Blah. I'mma do that tomorrow.
Went through like a bajillion boxes of clothes today. Found an entire winter wardrobe for Jayde. SCORE! Don't have to go shopping for her now. Any way I can save money is a plus. Also, my grandma found my AT&T rebate card. I have $33 left on it. SCORE AGAIN! Now, I just have to get up off of my butt and mail Christmas cards. Haha. And a box for Jess. And some clothes to Brandie. And some clothes to Meagan. And. And. There goes my whole $33. Which reminds me, I need to finish and send off CK's notebook. FUCK! I need more time in a day! Or I just need to not procrastinate as much. Yes. That sounds right.
I need to go on a myspace purge. Yeah. A 35-day myspace purge. So. Starting on Jan 1 and ending on Feb. 4 I will have a myspace purge. Shall be fun. That's possibly where I spend most of my time procrastinating. There. More time.
And now I have to pee.
I need to attack the mess on Kyle's desk. I feel like just clearing the whole thing off and then just going through it bit by bit. Actually, to be honest, I feel like throwing it ALL in the garbage. But I can't do that. We have house papers in the mess. Blah. I'mma do that tomorrow.
Went through like a bajillion boxes of clothes today. Found an entire winter wardrobe for Jayde. SCORE! Don't have to go shopping for her now. Any way I can save money is a plus. Also, my grandma found my AT&T rebate card. I have $33 left on it. SCORE AGAIN! Now, I just have to get up off of my butt and mail Christmas cards. Haha. And a box for Jess. And some clothes to Brandie. And some clothes to Meagan. And. And. There goes my whole $33. Which reminds me, I need to finish and send off CK's notebook. FUCK! I need more time in a day! Or I just need to not procrastinate as much. Yes. That sounds right.
I need to go on a myspace purge. Yeah. A 35-day myspace purge. So. Starting on Jan 1 and ending on Feb. 4 I will have a myspace purge. Shall be fun. That's possibly where I spend most of my time procrastinating. There. More time.
And now I have to pee.
topics within:
35 days,
boxes of clothes,
Kyle's desk,
myspage purge,
winter wardrobe
Sunday, December 28, 2008
I Don't Know a Thing About Being a Governess
It's the 28th and the end comes on Wednesday. WOW!
Just saw Janelle for the first time in forever and she looks like she's 13. She's 10. She has boobs, and hips, and I wouldn't be surprised if she has her period already. She got a cell for Christmas and was texting when she was here. No boyfriend, though. Gotta give her that much. Or well, gotta give her grandma that much. She isn't being raised by her parents. God bless Rachel, though. At least she knows she isn't capable of taking care of her. She's kind of a flake. I mean worse than me. I have never forgotten my kid at school. I don't see how someone could. But then again, Camy rides the bus. But that was her choice. She'd been asking me for about two years if she could.
Anyway, back to my entry. I hate when I get off track. Annoying!
Oh and my P streak is back on. Four days again. I wish he would just call me. If he wants to get in touch with me that bad, he knows my number. Maybe I should have at least texted him "Merry Christmas." I love guilt. It's fun.
I can hear The Sound of Music in the living room. I used to love that movie. And the hills being alive never scared me. LOL
Just saw Janelle for the first time in forever and she looks like she's 13. She's 10. She has boobs, and hips, and I wouldn't be surprised if she has her period already. She got a cell for Christmas and was texting when she was here. No boyfriend, though. Gotta give her that much. Or well, gotta give her grandma that much. She isn't being raised by her parents. God bless Rachel, though. At least she knows she isn't capable of taking care of her. She's kind of a flake. I mean worse than me. I have never forgotten my kid at school. I don't see how someone could. But then again, Camy rides the bus. But that was her choice. She'd been asking me for about two years if she could.
Anyway, back to my entry. I hate when I get off track. Annoying!
Oh and my P streak is back on. Four days again. I wish he would just call me. If he wants to get in touch with me that bad, he knows my number. Maybe I should have at least texted him "Merry Christmas." I love guilt. It's fun.
I can hear The Sound of Music in the living room. I used to love that movie. And the hills being alive never scared me. LOL
topics within:
P streak,
Sound of Music,
the end
Saturday, December 27, 2008
The Holidays Are Almost Over
With Christmas finally down, there is one more holiday of the year left, New Years. I'm not too terribly excited about New Years, though. I'm not one to get too terribly excited over it. I've never been to a party. I'm not even sure I'll be staying up until midnight. Not on purpose anyway. I am very ho-hum about the holidays. Not sure why. It's only just been in recent years that I've become that way. Maybe it's because I live in the South and winter isn't very cold any more. The atmosphere isn't right. Maybe that's why. I'm not even going to pretend to know. Philosophizing isn't my strong suit. At all.
So I leave you with a list of the most annoying characters from a kiddy television show starting with number 10 and counting down to the most annoying.
The Top 10 Most Annoying Characters on a Kiddy Television Show:
10. Cody Martin- The Suite Life of Zach and Cody

Cody is...the smart and sensitive twin of Zack Martin
He has shown a passion for baking, cleaning, and cooking, as well as mime and dance.
Need I say more?
9. Jetta- Clifford the Big Red Dog
Jetta is your typical spoiled rich kid, and she's got a huge sense of entitlement and pride. She's usually trying to hog the spotlight or twist things to get her own way, which creates the necessary conflict in the cartoon.
Mac's human. Wealthy, self-centered, friend of Emily Elizabeth who is often oblivious to others' feelings. Often claims her accomplishments are bigger or better than others'. Her mother owns one of the island stores and seems somewhat oblivious to Jetta's behavior.
8. Muffy Crosswire- Arthur
She is the wealthiest girl in school, and is the stereotypical rich/spoiled girl. She tends to be extremely self-centered and, her behavior occasionally leads her into trouble with her friends. She also tries to impress her friends with her Dad's wealth, who is the wealthiest businessman in Elwood City, and because of this she is often labeled as a show-off by her friends.
7. Henry- Angelina Ballerina
Henry's voice kills me. Listening to him is like listening to a violin screeching over and over. He sounds like he is always whining. And as we all know, whining is tres annoying!
6. The Kids on Barney- Barney and Friends and Barney and The Backyard Gang
They can't act. They can barely sing. And their dancing really leaves a lot to be desired. My annoyance with this crew starts with the originals like Michael, Luci, Adam, Tina, Derek, Amy, and and work there way all the way down to whoever is in the cast today. No improvement has been made over the years. WTF, PBS? You would think that even PBS could afford better talent for this show by now. They can afford to add another dinosaur to the cast, but can't find any real talent. Sad, really.
Info on that new dino, Riff, just because I thought you'd enjoy knowing it.
(referred as Cousin Riff by Baby Bop) is an orange six year old hadrosaur, who is Baby Bop and BJ's cousin. He has appeared since season 10 (Barney and Friends). He wears green sneakers. His theme is "I Hear Music Everywhere." Riff loves music and it's in almost everything he does.
5. Miley Stewart- Hannah Montana

Fake accent, stupid catchphrase, split personality, Miley Stewart has it all. Does she REALLY think that accent is cute? Does she REALLY expect us to believe that people actually say, "Sweet niblets"? Does she not think that maybe she should see a shrink about that double personality thing? Hannah Montana is just so far-fetched. I'd say this show is funny, but in reality it's just sad. Nice try, Disney, now move on. Two seasons is enough. Stop the madness while you still can!
Miley, the series' protagonist, leads a double life as an ordinary teenager by day and a successful pop singer named "Hannah Montana" by night. On the show, none of the characters know of her alter ego except for her close friends and family members
4. Zak - DragonTales

Zak(he's the green one) is neat and orderly, a worrier and a pessimist.
3. Caillou- Caillou
A 4-year-old boy who throughout the series is fascinated by the world around him and guided through it by friends and family.
He's just really bratty to me. That's all. And he never ages! I prefer Rosie. Now, that's a kid!
2. Elmo- Sesame Street

I HATE ELMO! He's freaking creepy. He used to kinda be cute, but now he's annoying as hell. There is only one character more annoying that him! He has an ego the size of Texas, and this is proven by the fact that he refers to himself in the third person. It's annoying when adults do it, but it's super annoying when children do it. What child, besides Elmo does this? What child is egomanical enough to? ELMO! Fucking Christ! Get over it already! Elmo's fucking evil. End of story. He's even more Evil than Burt. My advice to Elmo? Take a freaking Prozac and STFU! Enough already.
1. Spongebob Squarepants- Spongebob Squarepants

SpongeBob is an optimistic and energetic character who is also very naive. His hobbies include jelly-fishing and blowing bubbles with Patrick. He is unaware how Squidward is annoyed by him.
Why I hate Spongebob:
His voice, his laugh, his optimism, his laugh, his stupidity, his laugh, his innocence, his laugh, his humor, his laugh, his hobbies. Oh and his laugh. Most annoying laugh in history of cartoons! Again, take some Prozac and STFU already! Enough!
And now that we're all thoroughly annoyed, that concludes our list. Add comments of your own if you wish. I am going to bed. The holidays and this blog itself has worn me out.
So I leave you with a list of the most annoying characters from a kiddy television show starting with number 10 and counting down to the most annoying.
The Top 10 Most Annoying Characters on a Kiddy Television Show:
10. Cody Martin- The Suite Life of Zach and Cody
Cody is...the smart and sensitive twin of Zack Martin
He has shown a passion for baking, cleaning, and cooking, as well as mime and dance.
Need I say more?
9. Jetta- Clifford the Big Red Dog
Jetta is your typical spoiled rich kid, and she's got a huge sense of entitlement and pride. She's usually trying to hog the spotlight or twist things to get her own way, which creates the necessary conflict in the cartoon.
Mac's human. Wealthy, self-centered, friend of Emily Elizabeth who is often oblivious to others' feelings. Often claims her accomplishments are bigger or better than others'. Her mother owns one of the island stores and seems somewhat oblivious to Jetta's behavior.
8. Muffy Crosswire- Arthur
She is the wealthiest girl in school, and is the stereotypical rich/spoiled girl. She tends to be extremely self-centered and, her behavior occasionally leads her into trouble with her friends. She also tries to impress her friends with her Dad's wealth, who is the wealthiest businessman in Elwood City, and because of this she is often labeled as a show-off by her friends.
7. Henry- Angelina Ballerina
Henry's voice kills me. Listening to him is like listening to a violin screeching over and over. He sounds like he is always whining. And as we all know, whining is tres annoying!
6. The Kids on Barney- Barney and Friends and Barney and The Backyard Gang
They can't act. They can barely sing. And their dancing really leaves a lot to be desired. My annoyance with this crew starts with the originals like Michael, Luci, Adam, Tina, Derek, Amy, and and work there way all the way down to whoever is in the cast today. No improvement has been made over the years. WTF, PBS? You would think that even PBS could afford better talent for this show by now. They can afford to add another dinosaur to the cast, but can't find any real talent. Sad, really.
Info on that new dino, Riff, just because I thought you'd enjoy knowing it.
(referred as Cousin Riff by Baby Bop) is an orange six year old hadrosaur, who is Baby Bop and BJ's cousin. He has appeared since season 10 (Barney and Friends). He wears green sneakers. His theme is "I Hear Music Everywhere." Riff loves music and it's in almost everything he does.
5. Miley Stewart- Hannah Montana
Fake accent, stupid catchphrase, split personality, Miley Stewart has it all. Does she REALLY think that accent is cute? Does she REALLY expect us to believe that people actually say, "Sweet niblets"? Does she not think that maybe she should see a shrink about that double personality thing? Hannah Montana is just so far-fetched. I'd say this show is funny, but in reality it's just sad. Nice try, Disney, now move on. Two seasons is enough. Stop the madness while you still can!
Miley, the series' protagonist, leads a double life as an ordinary teenager by day and a successful pop singer named "Hannah Montana" by night. On the show, none of the characters know of her alter ego except for her close friends and family members
4. Zak - DragonTales
Zak(he's the green one) is neat and orderly, a worrier and a pessimist.
3. Caillou- Caillou
A 4-year-old boy who throughout the series is fascinated by the world around him and guided through it by friends and family.
He's just really bratty to me. That's all. And he never ages! I prefer Rosie. Now, that's a kid!
2. Elmo- Sesame Street
I HATE ELMO! He's freaking creepy. He used to kinda be cute, but now he's annoying as hell. There is only one character more annoying that him! He has an ego the size of Texas, and this is proven by the fact that he refers to himself in the third person. It's annoying when adults do it, but it's super annoying when children do it. What child, besides Elmo does this? What child is egomanical enough to? ELMO! Fucking Christ! Get over it already! Elmo's fucking evil. End of story. He's even more Evil than Burt. My advice to Elmo? Take a freaking Prozac and STFU! Enough already.
1. Spongebob Squarepants- Spongebob Squarepants
SpongeBob is an optimistic and energetic character who is also very naive. His hobbies include jelly-fishing and blowing bubbles with Patrick. He is unaware how Squidward is annoyed by him.
Why I hate Spongebob:
His voice, his laugh, his optimism, his laugh, his stupidity, his laugh, his innocence, his laugh, his humor, his laugh, his hobbies. Oh and his laugh. Most annoying laugh in history of cartoons! Again, take some Prozac and STFU already! Enough!
And now that we're all thoroughly annoyed, that concludes our list. Add comments of your own if you wish. I am going to bed. The holidays and this blog itself has worn me out.
topics within:
annoying characters,
Cody Martin,
kiddy shows,
Muffy Crosswire,
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
This is All Nik's Fault
I'm back to thinking about getting inked. I'd get the inside of each wrist done. I want a symbol for understanding on one and a symbol for guidance on the other. I just don't know which ones. I'm thinking of using a symbol that is of Dutch origin. I definitely don't want Kanji. Maybe I'll put them on my ankles. Although, wrist seems more "handy." Yeah. I don't know either. Maybe I'll do one in Norwegian and the other in Dutch. Let me see what I can come up with...
topics within:
Monday, December 22, 2008
So, uh the making of handprint cookies went well, but the getting of the cookies off of the baking sheet went crapily. The fingers pretty much all broke off. so now I have random finger cookies. Although, one hand did end up being in \m/ rock on position which was pretty badass.
topics within:
handprint cookies,
missing fingers,
rock on
What's That Smell?
It's me. I smell like shrimp. I just peeled and de-veined an entire pound and now I smell like shrimp. My grandma's making shrimp gumbo. A small price to pay for Gumboy goodness. Our neighbor caught the shrimp in June. Six months is still fresh, right?
I am so ready for Thursday. I don't think I can contain my excitement over Camy's dollhouse or Jayde's kitchen much longer. I'm going to have a blast putting them together. The magic and wonder of Santa shall grow, even though I am not a fan of telling them it was Santa. I had started the tradition of waiting until Twelfth night and saying it was the Three Wisemen, but because I don't homeschool, I really can't expect them to not know about Santa. So, I was defeated by the power of conforming. But I still didn't get Santa pictures done. Karen did with Camy even though I have told her that we don't want to enforce the Santa thing any more than we have to. At least she didn't make Jayde do pictures. And it's not like I am the only one who doesn't agree with the Santification of Christmas, Kyle agreed with me. So, she isn't just going against my wishes, she's going against his wishes too! BITCH! And people wonder why I don't like her. Yeah, it's a small thing, but seriously, it's one of the only things I've asked of her. Dhe could have at least done it. Although, it's pretty much not surprising. I also said no Webkinz and now we have 25. She started them. Of course, I continued them. I didn't HAVE to continue them. Oh well.
Anyway, the kids had a mish mash inside picnic for lunch. I gave them Velveeta chunks, raisins, chicken nuggets, french fries, cheese taquitos, Capri Sun, RitzBits peanut butter sandwiches, apple dippers, caramel sauce, and graham crackers. I think that was it. We had a small amount of everything so it isn't like they got a whole lot. Like the french fries, for instance. They had like 20 between the three of them. They each had one taquito. Small portions, so it sounds like a lot.
I bet you're wondering about my dreams, yes? I know you are. Well...NO P! But they did include a certain of age Jonas Brother....Shut-up, he's adorable!
Anything else? I don't think. Oh. We're going to make handprint cookies tonight. I'll tell you how that goes. I've never done it before, but I thought of it the last time we made cookies.
I am so ready for Thursday. I don't think I can contain my excitement over Camy's dollhouse or Jayde's kitchen much longer. I'm going to have a blast putting them together. The magic and wonder of Santa shall grow, even though I am not a fan of telling them it was Santa. I had started the tradition of waiting until Twelfth night and saying it was the Three Wisemen, but because I don't homeschool, I really can't expect them to not know about Santa. So, I was defeated by the power of conforming. But I still didn't get Santa pictures done. Karen did with Camy even though I have told her that we don't want to enforce the Santa thing any more than we have to. At least she didn't make Jayde do pictures. And it's not like I am the only one who doesn't agree with the Santification of Christmas, Kyle agreed with me. So, she isn't just going against my wishes, she's going against his wishes too! BITCH! And people wonder why I don't like her. Yeah, it's a small thing, but seriously, it's one of the only things I've asked of her. Dhe could have at least done it. Although, it's pretty much not surprising. I also said no Webkinz and now we have 25. She started them. Of course, I continued them. I didn't HAVE to continue them. Oh well.
Anyway, the kids had a mish mash inside picnic for lunch. I gave them Velveeta chunks, raisins, chicken nuggets, french fries, cheese taquitos, Capri Sun, RitzBits peanut butter sandwiches, apple dippers, caramel sauce, and graham crackers. I think that was it. We had a small amount of everything so it isn't like they got a whole lot. Like the french fries, for instance. They had like 20 between the three of them. They each had one taquito. Small portions, so it sounds like a lot.
I bet you're wondering about my dreams, yes? I know you are. Well...NO P! But they did include a certain of age Jonas Brother....Shut-up, he's adorable!
Anything else? I don't think. Oh. We're going to make handprint cookies tonight. I'll tell you how that goes. I've never done it before, but I thought of it the last time we made cookies.
topics within:
against my wishes,
handprint cookies,
Kevin Jonas,
mish mash inside picnic,
my dreams,
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Kevin Corbin Danny
I promised myself I wouldn't, but here are pictures for those of you who read the last entry and were like "Who?"
topics within:
Corbin Bleu,
Danny Masterson,
Kevin Jonas
You're Going To Get Sick Of Me
I have got to be the most boring person ever.
Kyle took the kids to dinner and a movie, or movie and dinner, as it would be. I was going to go, but, uh, not something I want to feel again. Being vulnerable around him is not fun. The went to go see The Tale of Despereaux. They've already seen Bolt and Madagascar 2. Everything else they were showing was PG-13, and I so am not letting my babies see Twilight. I would have sucked it up for that.
Another P dream last night. If you're keeping score, that's six nights in a row. I had been dreaming of Danny Masterson and Corbin Bleu. And yes, Kevin Jonas. He's cute, ok, and so is Corbin, hush. And Hyde, well, he's fucking Hyde, dude. Of course he's hot. And I've been watching That 70's Show almost non-stop for a month now. Jackie + Hyde is so much better than Jackie + Kelso. Ashton= tool. Seriously. Have I confused you yet? Yeah. Not surprising. But you love me so you put up with it.
I'm slightly bored today. But I get the kids for Christmas! I win!
Oh. I made cheesy rice today. I haven't in a while. I used white sticky rice from the Chinese we got the other night, whole milk, and Velveeta. Velveeta is a superior cheese tyvm.
Yeah. I'm pretty random lately. I know you had to notice. Not that I've blogged enough for you to notice. But I expect you to notice anyway. Ha.
I'm trying to bullshit enough to make this longer.
Is it working?
Didn't think so. I need to finish and print my resume'. I actually got a call from the one person I applied to. I wasn't expecting anything this quickly. I have to call them back and fax my resume' tomorrow. They called on Friday and I didn't get the message in time. That's what I get for not toting my phone everywhere. But seriously, if I had had the damn phone they would have NEVER called. I toted the damn thing around for two days. Bah Humbug!
Kyle took the kids to dinner and a movie, or movie and dinner, as it would be. I was going to go, but, uh, not something I want to feel again. Being vulnerable around him is not fun. The went to go see The Tale of Despereaux. They've already seen Bolt and Madagascar 2. Everything else they were showing was PG-13, and I so am not letting my babies see Twilight. I would have sucked it up for that.
Another P dream last night. If you're keeping score, that's six nights in a row. I had been dreaming of Danny Masterson and Corbin Bleu. And yes, Kevin Jonas. He's cute, ok, and so is Corbin, hush. And Hyde, well, he's fucking Hyde, dude. Of course he's hot. And I've been watching That 70's Show almost non-stop for a month now. Jackie + Hyde is so much better than Jackie + Kelso. Ashton= tool. Seriously. Have I confused you yet? Yeah. Not surprising. But you love me so you put up with it.
I'm slightly bored today. But I get the kids for Christmas! I win!
Oh. I made cheesy rice today. I haven't in a while. I used white sticky rice from the Chinese we got the other night, whole milk, and Velveeta. Velveeta is a superior cheese tyvm.
Yeah. I'm pretty random lately. I know you had to notice. Not that I've blogged enough for you to notice. But I expect you to notice anyway. Ha.
I'm trying to bullshit enough to make this longer.
Is it working?
Didn't think so. I need to finish and print my resume'. I actually got a call from the one person I applied to. I wasn't expecting anything this quickly. I have to call them back and fax my resume' tomorrow. They called on Friday and I didn't get the message in time. That's what I get for not toting my phone everywhere. But seriously, if I had had the damn phone they would have NEVER called. I toted the damn thing around for two days. Bah Humbug!
topics within:
cheesy rice,
Corbin Bleu,
Danny Masterson,
Kevin Jonas,
my phone,
new job,
That 70s Show
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Count 'Em Up
Five. Count 'em. Five nights in a row I have dreamed about him, and I'm not talking Kyle. No. I'm talking P. And it's pretty annoying.
I thought I had gotten over him. But he freaking haunts my dreams. What the fuck up?
I haven't even seen him in over a month. I haven't stalked his myspace page in two weeks. Seriously annoying.
What else?
Still didn't get my ribbon up. Lost the bow. Har. I'm amazing. I know. My ability to lose things is like no other I have ever known. I set things down and lose them in seconds. I amaze millions (well, maybe not that many) with my abilities to INSTANTLY lose stuff. I should go into showbiz. Really.
And I'm pretty much out. Yeah. Boring.
I thought I had gotten over him. But he freaking haunts my dreams. What the fuck up?
I haven't even seen him in over a month. I haven't stalked his myspace page in two weeks. Seriously annoying.
What else?
Still didn't get my ribbon up. Lost the bow. Har. I'm amazing. I know. My ability to lose things is like no other I have ever known. I set things down and lose them in seconds. I amaze millions (well, maybe not that many) with my abilities to INSTANTLY lose stuff. I should go into showbiz. Really.
And I'm pretty much out. Yeah. Boring.
topics within:
ability to lose,
five nights,
haunting my dreams,
lost things,
not Kyle,
Friday, December 19, 2008
Just finished eating Chinese food. So good. Not as good as Ho and Linda's but whatever. Ho doesn't make mai fun. Mai fun is my new fave. I really prefer the Singapore, but I don't eat meat any more so I got the veggie kind. It was kinda lacking in veggies though. And the steamed veggies came with tofu. WTF, dude? I did NOT order tofu!
Now, normally I don't mind tofu. But this tofu was rubbery and didn't have a good flavor. Not even soy sauce could save this tofu. I am not even exaggerating. GROSS!
Camy, Jayde and I finally decorated the tree today. I'm going to have to rearrange some though. Jayde put all of hers in a cluster along the bottom row of branches. God bless her.
I got some clothes in the mail today. They all fit, except for a vest. It wouldn't go over my boobs. Nice, eh? And actually they wouldn't even go over my g-ma's boobs. And she's got baby boobs. I think they were sized wrong. Is why I kinda hate Venezia brand. But I was able to go to the store and exchange it for a bigger size. The new one was three sizes bigger and it barely fit! That is why I say they were sized wrong. Have NEVER had that problem. That's a new one, even for Venezia.
I ate so much, I can't even think right now. I just want to take a nap!
Now, normally I don't mind tofu. But this tofu was rubbery and didn't have a good flavor. Not even soy sauce could save this tofu. I am not even exaggerating. GROSS!
Camy, Jayde and I finally decorated the tree today. I'm going to have to rearrange some though. Jayde put all of hers in a cluster along the bottom row of branches. God bless her.
I got some clothes in the mail today. They all fit, except for a vest. It wouldn't go over my boobs. Nice, eh? And actually they wouldn't even go over my g-ma's boobs. And she's got baby boobs. I think they were sized wrong. Is why I kinda hate Venezia brand. But I was able to go to the store and exchange it for a bigger size. The new one was three sizes bigger and it barely fit! That is why I say they were sized wrong. Have NEVER had that problem. That's a new one, even for Venezia.
I ate so much, I can't even think right now. I just want to take a nap!
topics within:
Chinese food,
decorated the tree,
new clothes,
too small
Thursday, December 18, 2008
So, I Lied...
I missed yesterday. Oops. I didn't even attempt it. Oh well.
My whole existence here depends on that guy and it's freaking annoying. And that's pretty much why I didn't do any blogging.
I can't do Christmas shopping (which I did yesterday) unless somebody is here to watch the children. And I still don't know this town that well so I need somebody to help me find my way around. Although, I must say, I am getting better at it. Driving to and from work helped a little. I know all of Jefferson Hwy and all of BlueBonnet, now. Har.
And of course Tiger Bend, Antioch, Jones Creek, O'Neal Lane, S. Harrell's Ferry, Old Jefferson and Highland. Then, everybody knows Airline Hwy. Airline is like the most important road in South LA. And why am I talking about roads? I don't know.
So, anyway, my life revolves around when HE is here or not. Pathetic? I think so too! So, he is with the kids now and I am blogging because yesterday when he was here I was Christmas shopping with the mother. We spent way too much money and way too much time doing it, but it was fun. It was almost like old times only she can't walk that much and I am spending my own monies.
I really wish he would just magically disappear. Honestly. Or at least be freaking consistant or just fucking get an apartment so that you can take them to your place. BLAH! I need to shut up now. This isn't the place for this!
So, let me see, what did I do today? I wanted to decorate the tree, but I couldn't. BOO! But Camy gets out of school at 12:30 tomorrow, so we will do it then. And I didn't finish decorating outside AGAIN. Because I am teh fail.
Oh and I got some deliveries today! But I can't has them until Christmas. But they are beautiful! My mom got me an outfit for interviews and a purse. But the jacket did not come because they suck. I love the jacket, it is grommet trimmed. Grommets rock your face off!
Let me see...I found out the name of the hottie across the street. Philip. He's a freaking engineer! I loves me some engineers! I just like saying "engineer". Say it. It's fun!
Um...Mrs. Jean from across the street invited us to the Christmas service at Healing Place Church. They are non-denominational so I kinda want to go. I hear the church is huge, though. Of course, that might mean there might actually be a place to sit for the service. You know how packed Catholic churches get, especially for Midnight mass. Although, Midnight mass is pretty cool. I used to love the one at St. George. I think we'll be going to an afternoon service or something. I don't know. I have to look at the holiday mass schedule. Man, I have a lot to do. I need to make a list.
So, uh, the next blog I make shall have a to-do list. You can pretty much ignore that one. And that's it. Yeah. That's it.
My whole existence here depends on that guy and it's freaking annoying. And that's pretty much why I didn't do any blogging.
I can't do Christmas shopping (which I did yesterday) unless somebody is here to watch the children. And I still don't know this town that well so I need somebody to help me find my way around. Although, I must say, I am getting better at it. Driving to and from work helped a little. I know all of Jefferson Hwy and all of BlueBonnet, now. Har.
And of course Tiger Bend, Antioch, Jones Creek, O'Neal Lane, S. Harrell's Ferry, Old Jefferson and Highland. Then, everybody knows Airline Hwy. Airline is like the most important road in South LA. And why am I talking about roads? I don't know.
So, anyway, my life revolves around when HE is here or not. Pathetic? I think so too! So, he is with the kids now and I am blogging because yesterday when he was here I was Christmas shopping with the mother. We spent way too much money and way too much time doing it, but it was fun. It was almost like old times only she can't walk that much and I am spending my own monies.
I really wish he would just magically disappear. Honestly. Or at least be freaking consistant or just fucking get an apartment so that you can take them to your place. BLAH! I need to shut up now. This isn't the place for this!
So, let me see, what did I do today? I wanted to decorate the tree, but I couldn't. BOO! But Camy gets out of school at 12:30 tomorrow, so we will do it then. And I didn't finish decorating outside AGAIN. Because I am teh fail.
Oh and I got some deliveries today! But I can't has them until Christmas. But they are beautiful! My mom got me an outfit for interviews and a purse. But the jacket did not come because they suck. I love the jacket, it is grommet trimmed. Grommets rock your face off!
Let me see...I found out the name of the hottie across the street. Philip. He's a freaking engineer! I loves me some engineers! I just like saying "engineer". Say it. It's fun!
Um...Mrs. Jean from across the street invited us to the Christmas service at Healing Place Church. They are non-denominational so I kinda want to go. I hear the church is huge, though. Of course, that might mean there might actually be a place to sit for the service. You know how packed Catholic churches get, especially for Midnight mass. Although, Midnight mass is pretty cool. I used to love the one at St. George. I think we'll be going to an afternoon service or something. I don't know. I have to look at the holiday mass schedule. Man, I have a lot to do. I need to make a list.
So, uh, the next blog I make shall have a to-do list. You can pretty much ignore that one. And that's it. Yeah. That's it.
topics within:
Christmas services,
Christmas shopping,
I'm pathetic,
old times,
roads in Baton Rouge,
to do list
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Waste of Time
Today was pretty much a waste. The only thing I accomplished was putting the tree up and breaking two ornaments. I didn't go shopping. I didn't finish decorating the house. I haven't even helped Camy do her homework yet. WTF? It's like where'd the time go?
I got up at 11:30 this morning. That's not any earlier than usual and it was later than yesterday. I don't know. I did manage to get all of the pictures and videos off of my phone and onto the computer. I will be editing them and posting them randomly throughout January. Because I don't have enough time to do so now. I have to force homework on the kid.
I got up at 11:30 this morning. That's not any earlier than usual and it was later than yesterday. I don't know. I did manage to get all of the pictures and videos off of my phone and onto the computer. I will be editing them and posting them randomly throughout January. Because I don't have enough time to do so now. I have to force homework on the kid.
topics within:
accomplished nothing,
putting the tree up,
Monday, December 15, 2008
i am hereby making a promise to myself that I will at least attempt to blog everyday. the end
As If Losing My Job Wasn't Enough
My face is completely broken out. My mom asked me why. Let's think about that one, Mom.
I lost my job just over a month ago which means no money coming in. I have only applied for one job, but that's pretty much my fault. I don't care to apply anywhere else. I do have my license, but whatever for now. It's 10 days to Christmas and I haven't even began shopping. I don't even know what I'm going to get anybody or really how I'm going to pay for it. I'm on the rag this week so it's like HORMONES! Yeah. Nothing major. Just usual. Plus now I can't find the divorce papers he had me served with and my lawyer and mom each want a copy Why my lawyer didn't get a copy to begin with is beyond me. I'm just here for show, I guess.
The court date is set for January 6th AKA Epiphany for those of you playing along. I got served on the 10th of the month, giving me 15 days to answer. 15 days from the 10th? Anyone? Anyone? CHRISTMAS! Yes. Christmas. And Epiphany is how many days from Christmas? TWELVE! Epiphany's sometimes called Twelfth Night. It's when the wise men blew into Jesus' life...finally. So...what is it with this guy and the holidays?
I should probably be putting this on the other blog, but I was anxious to use this one. Har. And honestly that really doesn't bother me. What bothers me is thinking that Dodge is going to take my car! I'll probably bore you with the details over there or something.
I lost my job just over a month ago which means no money coming in. I have only applied for one job, but that's pretty much my fault. I don't care to apply anywhere else. I do have my license, but whatever for now. It's 10 days to Christmas and I haven't even began shopping. I don't even know what I'm going to get anybody or really how I'm going to pay for it. I'm on the rag this week so it's like HORMONES! Yeah. Nothing major. Just usual. Plus now I can't find the divorce papers he had me served with and my lawyer and mom each want a copy Why my lawyer didn't get a copy to begin with is beyond me. I'm just here for show, I guess.
The court date is set for January 6th AKA Epiphany for those of you playing along. I got served on the 10th of the month, giving me 15 days to answer. 15 days from the 10th? Anyone? Anyone? CHRISTMAS! Yes. Christmas. And Epiphany is how many days from Christmas? TWELVE! Epiphany's sometimes called Twelfth Night. It's when the wise men blew into Jesus' life...finally. So...what is it with this guy and the holidays?
I should probably be putting this on the other blog, but I was anxious to use this one. Har. And honestly that really doesn't bother me. What bothers me is thinking that Dodge is going to take my car! I'll probably bore you with the details over there or something.
topics within:
10 days,
broken out,
court date,
lost job,
my face,
other blog,
taking my car,
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