So I leave you with a list of the most annoying characters from a kiddy television show starting with number 10 and counting down to the most annoying.
The Top 10 Most Annoying Characters on a Kiddy Television Show:
10. Cody Martin- The Suite Life of Zach and Cody
Cody is...the smart and sensitive twin of Zack Martin
He has shown a passion for baking, cleaning, and cooking, as well as mime and dance.
Need I say more?
9. Jetta- Clifford the Big Red Dog
Jetta is your typical spoiled rich kid, and she's got a huge sense of entitlement and pride. She's usually trying to hog the spotlight or twist things to get her own way, which creates the necessary conflict in the cartoon.
Mac's human. Wealthy, self-centered, friend of Emily Elizabeth who is often oblivious to others' feelings. Often claims her accomplishments are bigger or better than others'. Her mother owns one of the island stores and seems somewhat oblivious to Jetta's behavior.
8. Muffy Crosswire- Arthur
She is the wealthiest girl in school, and is the stereotypical rich/spoiled girl. She tends to be extremely self-centered and, her behavior occasionally leads her into trouble with her friends. She also tries to impress her friends with her Dad's wealth, who is the wealthiest businessman in Elwood City, and because of this she is often labeled as a show-off by her friends.
7. Henry- Angelina Ballerina
Henry's voice kills me. Listening to him is like listening to a violin screeching over and over. He sounds like he is always whining. And as we all know, whining is tres annoying!
6. The Kids on Barney- Barney and Friends and Barney and The Backyard Gang
They can't act. They can barely sing. And their dancing really leaves a lot to be desired. My annoyance with this crew starts with the originals like Michael, Luci, Adam, Tina, Derek, Amy, and and work there way all the way down to whoever is in the cast today. No improvement has been made over the years. WTF, PBS? You would think that even PBS could afford better talent for this show by now. They can afford to add another dinosaur to the cast, but can't find any real talent. Sad, really.
Info on that new dino, Riff, just because I thought you'd enjoy knowing it.
(referred as Cousin Riff by Baby Bop) is an orange six year old hadrosaur, who is Baby Bop and BJ's cousin. He has appeared since season 10 (Barney and Friends). He wears green sneakers. His theme is "I Hear Music Everywhere." Riff loves music and it's in almost everything he does.
5. Miley Stewart- Hannah Montana
Fake accent, stupid catchphrase, split personality, Miley Stewart has it all. Does she REALLY think that accent is cute? Does she REALLY expect us to believe that people actually say, "Sweet niblets"? Does she not think that maybe she should see a shrink about that double personality thing? Hannah Montana is just so far-fetched. I'd say this show is funny, but in reality it's just sad. Nice try, Disney, now move on. Two seasons is enough. Stop the madness while you still can!
Miley, the series' protagonist, leads a double life as an ordinary teenager by day and a successful pop singer named "Hannah Montana" by night. On the show, none of the characters know of her alter ego except for her close friends and family members
4. Zak - DragonTales
Zak(he's the green one) is neat and orderly, a worrier and a pessimist.
3. Caillou- Caillou
A 4-year-old boy who throughout the series is fascinated by the world around him and guided through it by friends and family.
He's just really bratty to me. That's all. And he never ages! I prefer Rosie. Now, that's a kid!
2. Elmo- Sesame Street
I HATE ELMO! He's freaking creepy. He used to kinda be cute, but now he's annoying as hell. There is only one character more annoying that him! He has an ego the size of Texas, and this is proven by the fact that he refers to himself in the third person. It's annoying when adults do it, but it's super annoying when children do it. What child, besides Elmo does this? What child is egomanical enough to? ELMO! Fucking Christ! Get over it already! Elmo's fucking evil. End of story. He's even more Evil than Burt. My advice to Elmo? Take a freaking Prozac and STFU! Enough already.
1. Spongebob Squarepants- Spongebob Squarepants
SpongeBob is an optimistic and energetic character who is also very naive. His hobbies include jelly-fishing and blowing bubbles with Patrick. He is unaware how Squidward is annoyed by him.
Why I hate Spongebob:
His voice, his laugh, his optimism, his laugh, his stupidity, his laugh, his innocence, his laugh, his humor, his laugh, his hobbies. Oh and his laugh. Most annoying laugh in history of cartoons! Again, take some Prozac and STFU already! Enough!
And now that we're all thoroughly annoyed, that concludes our list. Add comments of your own if you wish. I am going to bed. The holidays and this blog itself has worn me out.
I totally agree with you with the exception of Calliou. I like him. I would replace him with ren and stimpy, they are one in their stupidity, or catdog, also a stupid premise.