Monday, February 16, 2009

Cold Day In Hell...Literally

So, I don't know how many of you noticed (my mom did), but I literally live in a hell house. Just look at my street number upside down, if you are privy to my address. Anyway. It is cold here. So, yeah. Cold in hell. Thank you. -bows- Corny. I know.

I actually has pants on and not shorts. WOW! And I am thinking about putting on socks. WHOA!

And now, thanks to MJ, I AM thinking about moving to Bay St. Louis. I would like to move AWAY from the hurricanes, but closer to them could work too. I guess. LOL.

Anyway, Camy came home from school today with another fever. 100.2. We gave her Tylenol, problem solved. She doesn't know her seasons, though. Weird. She knows all her sight words, plus about a million more, but seasons allude her. -headsmack-

I don't know what else to say. I am boring. And bored. Someone give me something to do!

snip snap snout
this blog's told out!

1 comment:

  1. OMG, you should sooo move to BSL! Eeek!

    Poor baby, I'm sorry she's staying so sick :(
