Wednesday, January 21, 2009

That Makes Me Vaguely Itchy

I didn't manage to get out to any of those places tonight. Instead I had a fight with the mom. No, I will not share details. That's the end of that.

Been revisiting the tattoo thing tonight. Phoenix on the back of my neck. With the date 7/6/09. That's the date this whole thing will be FINALLY over. For good. I'll probably hold off until after that day to actually get it. It would be odd getting a tattoo that was future dated. Don't ya think? And I'm getting my nose ring back. I misses it. And my first scene haircut ever. Normal is beginning to get beyond overrated. The end.

I am so itchy again I think I want to cry. Friggin' back! ACK!

Not that many days left of the myspace purge. Not that many days left to donate my dresses to the YMCA. I just need to FIND a YMCA. Oh. And a RiteAid. Apparently NOBODY knows where this town has one. WTF? This from the town with like 17 Wal-Marts. OY!

Ok. I'm going to bed before the itch kills me.

Snip snap snout.
This blog's told out.


  1. Why so itchy? I think the tattoo is a great idea :) We don't have any riteaids here. We are all Wal-Greens. They dominate everything here. But, they are putting a new CVS in town here and I've heard they maybe putting a new Wal-Greens across the street from it. Ha, that would be funny if they really are doing that.

    Sorry you had a fight with your mom...

  2. Yeah, I'd wait til the actual date. Cuz it may actually end up changing and that'd sooo suck if you already had it on you.

    PS - I DEMAND pics of any haircut you recieve. K & Thankx.

  3. Vicki,

    down here every CVS is across the street from a walgreens. it's nuts.
